The insignificant flowers are monoecious, meaning that male and female flowers will be found on the same plant. Botanical Name: Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’ USDA Zone: 3-8. We have container grown trees available, as well as field dug potted trees. It never drops its needles and holds them for up to 10 years. container WITCH HAZEL Common Virginiana 3'-4' potted ASSORTED PERENNIALS 1 gal. Serbian spruce is an adaptable conifer that can tolerate a … This spruce species can be planted in USDA Zones 4 to 7. It does not like boggy conditions, preferring locations where it has "dry feet" most of the time, such as well-drained slopes. SPRUCE Norway 4' potted 6' - 10' B&B Serbian 6 - 8' B&B White/Black Hills 4' potted 6' - 10' B&B WEIGELA Red Prince 5 gal. Serbian Spruce or ‘Picea omorika’ is a slightly smaller growing relative of the Norway Spruce. Temporarily out of stock - Sign up below to get notified when the product is back in stock. Serbian spruce. --Mature Height : up to 50 ft. --Mature Width : 10 - 15 ft. --Growth Rate : Moderate ( 6" - 8" per yr ) --Hardiness Zones : 4 - 8. It never drops its needles and holds them for up to 10 years. They are connected to the stem by a little peg that is formally known as a pulvinus. The 2 toned needles are very showy as the branches move in the wind exposing the white undersides. © 2016 - 2021 Potted Trees. The Serbian spruce is a little different from the other two spruces we offer. container WILLOW Dappled 'Hakuro Nishiki' 5 - 7 gal. Serbian Spruce - Christmas Tree Farm. It has a very attractive crown form and can grow on many different soils and reaches up to 66 feet tall. They are 2-3 ft tall and planted in 10-15 gallon containers that can generally be handled by 1 or 2 people. Keep away from direct heat sources. The Serbian Spruce is dense, narrow, and has pendulous branches with shiny two toned needles. Potted in a peat moss container, this Fraser Fir can be used as an indoor Christmas tree for up to 3 weeks and then overwintered outside. The big difference between Serbian spruce and the other types of spruce is that instead of sharp and pokey the needles of a Serbian are soft more like a fir. Picea omorika. The first option is to select a 10 to 20 gallon container. The Serbian Spruce is dense, narrow, and has pendulous branches with shiny two toned needles. Be the first to ask the question! The fruit produced are ovate cones that are up to 2" long. It has, however, become widely grown around the world as a commercial forest tree, and it naturally reaches 100 feet tall in … The order subtotal is less than the minimum allowed value ($59.00). They start out purple, then mellow to a reddish-brown as they mature. The dense green foliage is soft with bluey silver undersides which helps create a bright and interesting hue. The Serbian Spruce is a medium to fast growing (2ft + per year) evergreen that has a needle that is 1 inch long and is dark green on the top and a silver on the bottom. No questions yet. It has been used in landscape design since 1880. Available species*: Meyer Spruce, Serbian Spruce, White Pine, Black HIlls Spruce, Korean Fir. The second option is to use a 100 gallon container. sizes will vary slightly but are just over 40cm root to tip. Serbian Spruce is a dense evergreen tree with a strong central leader and a distinctive and refined pyramidal form. Product Overview. Serbian Spruce Techny Arborvitae White Pine White Spruce Deciduous. ... Plants are offered in both potted containers and as dormant bare root without soil. The tops of the short needles are mid-toned green, but flash glimpses of a jazzy, silvery-blue underneath. ... SERBIAN SPRUCE. One of the finest landscape evergreens, this plant is very tough once established. The needles have a dark blue-green color. Choose the 'Nana' cultivar if you would prefer a dwarf version. Program ... You're viewing: Serbian Spruce $ 1.83 – $ 5.70. One of the most graceful evergreens is the Serbian spruce (Picea omorika). Slow to medium growing, reaches 50–60 feet tall, dark blue-green foliage, Zones: 4-7. It has glossy dark green needles with slender streaks of white and distinctive purple cones. Serbian Spruce also make a wonderful, dark green backdrop when planted to the north of flowering and ornamental plants. 5085: f21-s22 * sprsern01: spruce serbian #1 rrp container: sold out: f21-s22 * sprserqts: spruce serbian 8-16in. - 3 gal. Dwarf Alberta Spruce #1. As branches sway in the breeze, the flat needles show shiny green tops with silvery color below. These trees stand about 4-6'+ in height (including the container). Its relatively fine texture sets it apart from other landscape plants with less refined foliage. Serbian Spruce growing in Iowa. It does best with full sun or partial shade, meaning a minimum of four hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. Height: 2-4 feet. They are light weight and easily carried by 2 people into the house. Approx height 3ft-4ft. The common name comes from its original range in Serbia and Bosnia, though it was found across all of Europe. If you water it regularly for the first season to help the roots gain a proper anchoring, it will be able to tolerate some drought in subsequent seasons. Serbian Spruce $ 1.83 – $ 5.70. The common name comes from its original range in Serbia and Bosnia, though it was found across all of Europe. Grade: Premium G It is a coniferous tree--an evergreen that keeps its needles year-round. More Info. It thrives in a variety of soil types but tends to do best in acidic, well-drained loamy soils with relatively dry conditions. It grows naturally in just a few places in Serbia, at spots along the valley carrying the river Drina. Potted Trees. As branches sway in the breeze, the flat needles show shiny green tops with silvery color below. All rights reserved. #ProPlantTips for Care. We have Blue, Norway and Serbian Spruce trees growing in 10, 15 and 25 gal Smart Pots with handles for your selection. Since it is normally a large tree, Serbian spruce is usually used as an ornamental specimen in large gardens and landscapes. The Serbian Spruce tree is grown in Northern Michigan at Dutchman Tree Farms Landscape Nursery for Container Grown Evergreens. Considered by many to be the most beautiful and adaptable of all the spruces. 18 ct tray: sold out: f20-s21 * sprser550: spruce serbian 50 ct gro plug: sold out: f20-s21 * sprsertbr4yr: spruce serbian t bedrun four year old 12-18in. Serbian Spruce has a beautiful dense, narrow pyramidal form with graceful branches. Description. Each tree is growing in a recycled pot ( well a cut down drinkls bottle, but works well for trees as gives a nice deptth for … These features make this a great ornamental landscape tree. The 'Pendula' and 'Nana' cultivars have also received this honor. Select options 0. Austree Hybrid Willow Black Cherry ... A 2’ tall potted tree can be over 10 ft tall in 5 years, in good soil, with adequate moisture and weed and grass control around the base. Over time the tree will reach a final height of 40 to 60 feet tall and a width of 15 to 25 feet. The … This type of cultivation demands special techniques and experience, especially in the case of Nordmann fir which has a taproot system which makes it difficult to grow in pots. KP Tree & Nursery also offers various potted fir trees such as Canaan, Korean, Concolor, Fraser, & Balsam Fir. Regular price $14.99 Oregon Green Black Pine #10. We cant 100% gaurantee it will survive into next year. You have several options. Serbian Spruce is a dense evergreen tree with a strong central leader and a distinctive and refined pyramidal form. These valuable, versatile evergreens make a big statement in your plantings. --Sun Exposure : Full sun preferred, will accept partial shade as well. Potted Christmas Tree Serbian Spruce (Picea Omorika). We also have very large Serbian Spruce availible, 12ft, 14ft, 15ft, 16ft, 18ft, 20ft. The needles are shiny green above and whitish underneath. For information and pricing on potted trees, please contact us! The Serbian Spruce is a medium size tree. Over the last 6 years we have rapidly expanded our container grown business, we are now one of the UK’s largest independent growers of container grown trees. A selection of live potted trees. Contact one of our sales representatives for availability and pricing information. This will accommodate the dwarf varieties of spruce tree for about a decade; after which, you will either need to transfer it to a larger container or plant it in the ground. Under optimal conditions in its home region, it has been known to reach heights in excess of 130 feet. Bird’s Nest Spruce. container Wine and Roses 5 gal. The Serbian Spruce, Picea omorika, (or Pančić in Serbian) used to grow in a wide area across Europe before the last Ice Age, which began 2.6 million years ago. A small Serbian spruce planted in a container could be used as a live Christmas tree, then planted in the landscape after the season is over. Serbian Spruce are available as potted trees, balled and burlap, and live chrismas trees. Potted Evergreens: If you're looking for an easy to handle evergreen to plant on your own, our potted evergreens might be a good fit. 616-550-9693. The Serbian Spruce is a medium to fast growing (2ft + per year) evergreen that has a needle that is 1 inch long and is dark green on the top and a silver on the bottom. spruce serbian 8-16in. The tree has no food value, but it does offer good shelter for birds and other wildlife. For orders of 200 potted plants or more, please contact us for additional discounts, 10 other people are subscribed to back-in-stock notifications for this plant. Give Serbian Spruce a planting site where the … This tree has been awarded the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Its … All of our trees are also availabe as container grown. Tall and slender, with graceful upswept branches, the Serbian spruce is an elegant evergreen tree as a specimen in the landscape. Most of the trees were destroyed, and just a few survived in Serbia, in the limestone hills above the valley of the river Drina, where it occurs today in an area of just 1½ square miles along the border between Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. This low maintenance tree will be easy to care for, live with and love! The only pruning that is usually needed is to keep the tree free from dead, diseased or damaged branches. Serbian Spruce or ‘Picea omorika’ is a slightly smaller growing relative of the Norway Spruce. Description:A living version of the classic Fraser Fir Christmas tree. In extreme heat, make sure to water the tree well and frequently. Regular price $139.99 Serbian Spruce #10 - 30"-36" Regular price $99.99 Baby Blue Spruce 4'-5' - 12.8gal. Super Potted Liners; Terms and Conditions; Trade Show Schedule; White Spruce; Home / Conifers / Spruce / Serbian Spruce. Baby Blue Spruce, Serbian Spruce and Oregon Green Black Pine. Plant Facts & Specifications. This is a relatively low maintenance tree. Dwarf Serbian Spruce is well-known for their remarkable bi-colored needles, held on generally upright branches. Ideal for a small flat or home. Can go into 60" to 90" burlap balls. With its rigid, open boughs, the potted Fraser Fir can be decorated like a cut Christmas tree. This beautiful evergreen just might be the finishing touch to your landscape! Growing Requirements: The trees are supplied in 5, 7.5 and 10 litre pots, depending on size. Asters It tolerates most urban conditions (such as pollution) very well but does not tolerate soils contaminated with road salts. The needles are about 1/2” in length and they grow in a circular pattern straight out from the branch. Young needles are silvery-green in color, and mature to deep green. container grown trees, stunning to look at, easy to care for, use again next year. Website design & hosting by Vision Design Group, Inc. If you would like a weeping version of the Serbian spruce, look for the 'Pendula', 'Berliner's Weeper' or 'Pendula Bruns' cultivars. One of the most graceful evergreens is the Serbian spruce​ (Picea omorika). Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Description. Its relatively fine texture sets it apart from other landscape plants with less refined foliage. One of the finest landscape evergreens, this plant is very tough once established. The trees are delivered wrapped in net, as with regular Christmas trees. It naturally creates a narrow pyramidal shape that usually does not need much, if any, pruning to maintain. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, Hardiness Zones and Optimal Growing Conditions, 12 Great Spruce Tree and Shrub Types for Your Landscape, 18 Best Medium-Sized Trees for Tiny Yards, Learn How to Grow and Care for a Dwarf Alberta Spruce, Why Dwarf Trees: The Ideal Choice for Small-Yard Design, Add Grace to Your Yard With These 19 Weeping Trees, Oriental Pine Tree with Dense Dark Green Needles, How to Grow and Care for Canadian Hemlock Trees, Use Dwarf Evergreens to Give Your Garden Structure, Discover the Best Trees to Plant Around Your Pool, Try One of These 13 Excellent Maple Trees in Your Landscape, Learn About the Beautiful Weeping Deodar Cedar, Grow the American Beech Tree for Year-Round Interest. Branches have a pendulous characteristic to them. the Serbian spruce, Picea omorika is a rare spruce in nature. Loudoun Nursery specializes in container grown evergreen varieties suitable for the holidays. Serbian Spruce: White Pine: Michigan West Shore offers two different options when it comes to your Nursery Stock Needs. It is a beautiful compact tree with a slender habit that makes it ideal for use in smaller spaces. The Bruns Serbian Spruce's foliage is a beautiful deep green with a silver underside which shimmers in the light. Weeping and dwarf cultivars are available for smaller spaces. container Pussy Willow 10 gal. Needs plenty of water to stay living inside for the christmas period. Vanessa Richins Myers is a seasoned horticulturist, garden writer and educator with 10+ years of experience in the horticulture and gardening space. It is a coniferous tree- … Serbian Spruce is a rare and attractive conifer that has a very narrow growth pattern. Each needle is up to 1" long and features two white bands on the underside. Wholesale Container Grown trees are smaller than Balled and Burlap, great for nurseries, ... Serbian Spruce. Our plants come with extra large and fibrous root systems, ready to plant and flourish! It has been used in landscape design since 1880.

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