According to Poloma, the church 'service is often designed to make an emotional impact and produce an emotional response.' (Howard: 1997:119). Pentecostals meet in their religious buildings and act like crazy idiots--falling on the floor, barking, howling, babbling, etc. This attitude can be potentially dangerous. An evident attitude though amongst many Pentecostal and Charismatic churches is, "I can speak tongues and this means I'm superior and more spiritual than other Christians who don't." Often, those picked out for a prophecy either began weeping or violently shaking. Oh Lord Hallelujah. ... Shorn means cut. (See Matthew 7:1-5) First, this is a judgmental attitude. However, if the convert chooses to disregard Church rules and those in authority, regular members are exhorted to persist encouraging the potential convert, and, if the potential convert breaches church regulations the love is withdrawn. Unlike many Charismatic Christians and Pentecostals, mainstream Christians argue that once you accept Christ into your life you have the spirit. Nominals don’t populate Pentecostalism, so it grows. However, this is far from the truth. In Sydney, the Benny Hinn show is on television almost every morning at 5:00 AM or 5:30 AM. (1 Corinthians 14:19). According to Poloma, the church 'service is often designed to make an emotional impact and produce an emotional response.' So-called “mainstream” Pentecostals, however, do not subtract from traditional Christian beliefs as much as add to them. That helps make a more robust faith. '"(Schwertley: [ ] :p10). (Luke 22:51-52). Ankerberg, J & Weldon, J. Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions: Harvest House Publishers, USA; 1999. If the convert conforms to the community, the love bombing continues. Pentecostals will say they are growing because the Spirit is moving in a powerful way. The old Pentecostals came out of the early holiness movement, so they believed in the mourners’ bench. When I meet with Pentecostal leaders, they’re strategizing about where to plant a church. This paper attempts to examine the main differences between mainstream fundamentalist and/or evangelical Christianity and the Pentecostal movement. Some Christian groups have gone too far with prophecy, which when used incorrectly, can generate superstition and even turn some people away. 2:14). Perhaps others could help with this section on finding sources and/or further editing. After that experience, it’s hard to say, “Oh I don’t take this whole thing serious, I don’t even know if it’s real.”. By the age of 17, I had become more attracted to the Pentecostal movement for various reasons. When you appreciate what you have as much as Pentecostals do, you aren’t satisfied to experience it yourself. Just because the words Jesus, God and Holy Spirit are used constantly in sermons doesn't necessarily mean their teachings are biblically sound and/or historically consistent with established Christian doctrines and beliefs such as the trinity. They may constantly seek to ask God what it meant. From a statistical perspective, Pentecostals tend to be less “nominal” than other believers. For example, the ministers' talk in emotive tones, varying his pitch from high to low. For example, the ministers' talk in … Charismania:When Christian Fundamentalism Goes Wrong: Mowbray: London, UK; 1997. Most Christian churches today seem to see prophecy as inspired preaching or encouragement. This mandate was repeated with an interesting addition in Mark 16:15-20 “He said to them ‘Go into all … Many vague metaphors and emotionally charged words were used. From my own experience, it seemed the Pentecostal Church services were warm, vibrant and inclusive for newcomers. Other than that, why do Pentecostals care so much about Spirit baptism? Also, since tongues are considered a "spiritual gift," many of the more extreme Pentecostals may look down upon those who do not speak tongues. I was always in fear that one day the minister would point me out. Man's feelings are the highest authority. Often I would go to more mainstream Christian churches, but at times still attended a Pentecostal church. How then can this really be considered as edifying the church? Other types of prophecy include those used to build up and edify the church (1 Corinthians: 14:4-5). According to Schwertley, Jesus Christ healed people entirely who were permanently deformed i.e. The people seemed more inclusive, warm, open and friendly than at other churches. One key to growth is for you actually to believe what you have is so important that propagation to other contexts in its current version is necessary. ", Actually a friend might find such excessive emotion somewhat strange and suspect that there was some amount of insincerity or phoniness involved. For example: "Don't change the way you are, you are beautiful and your life will flow like abundant rivers." Pentecost is a festival observed by Catholics, Protestants, Jews and the Church of God. glossalalia) or, a foreign language, which is not known or understood by the speaker. I'm in trouble and need something. The bible clearly states: "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two- or at the most three should speak one at the time, and someone must interpret. So you can see how Pentecostal spirituality is not garden variety evangelicalism with spiritual gifts clumsily added in an eccliesial game of pin-the-tail-on-the- donkey. At that time, I was confused as to which church I ought to join. But some factors rise to the surface. The Holy Bible: NIV (New International Version). (1 Corinthians 14:4). From a statistical perspective, Pentecostals tend to … And they need to learn from me.". This repetitive memorized prayer technique does not seem natural or spontaneous. Some Pentecostal believers are gullible and/or ignorant. For you are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.". For example, many claim to speak in tongues and believe they are speaking in another language, though this cannot be objectively observed. Generally, such faith healers say, "Oh Jesus hallelujah, hallelujah&there is a woman sitting somewhere in the middle of the audience, her daughter is suffering from ulcers in the gum, God is healing you daughter right now." However, Charismatic Christians and Pentecostals see prophecies as contemporary and common today. You're my best and most coolest friend. Furthermore, the bible also states, "In the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue." Whilst some speak in tongues, not everyone speaks in tongues just like whilst some are great helpers there are also others who are not so great at helping and may have strengths elsewhere. In such a situation, another member of the church is to weigh what is being said and tell that person to be quiet. To them, there’s not a Spirit-filled church in that community until they plant one. Amen! OR, "Since I speak tongues and that person doesn't, I'm a spirit-filled person Christian and that person isn't. Since not a lot is known about xenoglossia and glossalalia it is important to approach this issue with caution. Sometimes a Pentecostal church might clearly use such "prophecy" to manipulate and judge a member. There are also arguments that there is no proper syntax to study and that only a few vowels and consonants are made. Mainstream Christian churches approach this issue with extreme caution. Then, the minister would pick people out of the crowd and rebuke them of sin or tell them what they should or should not do about their current situation. Pentecostals will say they are growing because the Spirit is moving in a powerful way. The music and tongues die down, but gently and persistently keep playing whilst the ministers voice rose to a firm pitch. Church should be a place for building up people. It can be destructive to become so focused on works and so self-absorbed. “Revivals” and “Altar Calls” like the one I described above) instead of God’s regular (i.e. When Abraham was old, he sent his eldest servant, Eleazar, back to his native If you are involved with the Charismatic or Pentecostal movement or know someone who is involved that you worried about, I'd encourage you to consider that involvement carefully and leave if you find that church doctrinally unsound or destructive. Such services aim to produce "good" feelings and a sense of belonging. Another substantial problem with the practice of tongues is that "Many Charismatics acknowledge that often when Christians begin speaking in tongues they have doubts as to whether the experience is authentic, whether the Spirit is giving the words, or whether they are just making them up.' Some are jealous, lustful, arrogant, and boastful. Here, it is important to draw attention to the techniques and aims of the church in order to gain an understanding of how Pentecostal worldview differs from mainstream Christians. According to some Pentecostals prayer should be done as if speaking to a KING. There is never one reason why a movement succeeds. Within the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements the system of dualism is deeply entrenched. And that’s worth noting. I love you. And as a direct result many Christians seem to forget about who Christ is and their own salvation. For example, in relation to sicknesses and illnesses within there is an attitude that "He's sick because he has an unconfessed sin.' Even when people would start weeping and violently shaking. Separate my sins as far as East is to West. (RNS) Apostolic Pentecostals are the strictest of all the Pentecostal groups. Some other points from (Bowmen: Weldon: 1999:375) especially in relation to "Oneness Pentecostals" that deny the doctrine of the trinity. Even though I wanted to get closer to Christ, my focus was not entirely on Christ. Because in the bible it states: 'Do not forbid speaking in tongues. (1 Corinthians 12 8-11). "Social isolation: Members are encouraged to distance themselves from "outsiders" insuring further isolation and dependence on the particular group. For example, the United Pentecostal Church, other so-called independent "Oneness" Pentecostals and at times the Assemblies of God. For example, the so-called "Oneness" or "Jesus Only" Pentecostals, which are largely comprised by the denomination known as the United Pentecostal Church. That is, trying too hard to make God, and others see how hot-hearted we are about God because of how we pray. For example, the United Pentecostal Church International and/or "Jesus Only" or "Oneness" Pentecostals, the Latter-Rain Movement and Snake Handling Pentecostal sects. And since the issues are either addressed or condemned in the public worship space, it seems that the problems people are undergoing are not necessarily kept confidential. But by acting too extreme the net result may be a judgmental attitude and causing division in the church rather than edifying it. Pentecostal believers and churches constantly emphasize spiritual practice and engagement. It is obvious that this kind of talk doesn't really do much to edify the church in a reasonable manner. Since the nature of this experience is so ambiguous and it causes substantial doubts perhaps Christians ought to approach this practice with more caution. From the tone of your post nuella2, I would say you are either an MOG or you’ve sold your soul to one. What's most astounding is the fact that Mr. Hinn has even claimed the ability to heal people watching his rerun shows. Ever since then, Pentecostalism has thrived on a direct experience of the Holy Spirit – in expression similar to that recounted in the Acts account of the first Pentecost. The bible states that there are many differing spiritual gifts each coming from the same spirit. Within Pentecostal church services the minister often encourages the convert to seek spiritual gifts that are said to intensify religious experiences. Pentecostals believe in speaking in tongues and divine gifts. So following that meeting, and in this brief post, I want to explore how the beliefs of Pentecostals actually promote and produce growth compared to other more "mainstream" groups. In order to address this lacuna, I suggest a modest hypothesis: Pentecost is the core theological symbol of Pentecostal theology, and its theological narrative is the full gospel. This attitude breeds spiritual elitism, a superior attitude and does damage to some individuals, while building up the egos of others, but does little to edify the whole church. Something is clearly not quite right if these so-called healers are only conducting healing miracles in front of believers. Forgive me for I have sinned. Furthermore, if someone has the gift of tongues it is not seen as more significant than other spiritual gifts such as encouragement, administration, mercy etc. This has been true for much of the history of Pentecostalism. It is this very fear that the many of the more manipulative churches may operate upon. These so-called prophecies seemed to target a specific person rather than include the entire church. The program includes Benny Hinn teaching, Benny Hinn and his believers in praise and worship and Benny Hinn healing the sick. These modern healers seem to take advantage of naïve believers who contribute much money to their ministries. Charismatic Christians and Pentecostals seem to make their prayer more emotional and exciting. Thank you Joe. The reason is often obvious—the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Therefore there is no use in emotional hype when praying. In today's society, it's easy for Christians to become caught up with what spiritual gift you have and what spiritual gift you don't have. Some Pentecostal movements cannot be included alongside mainstream Christian groups, that is the Baptists, Anglicans, Church of England and so forth. In the Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement, Praise and Worship is not organized around the clock. If a person feels condemned and judged it will only motivate them to feel worse about themselves and/or leave the church. Pentecostals Want to Share Their Values Not only does a valued distinctive encourage participation and growth in the local body, but it also provides an imperative for growth outside of the local body. They don't believe in the Trinity, avoid alcohol, don’t watch TV, and ask women not to cut their hair. They then draw substantial salaries and expenses, fly first class, buy expensive cars and often live in exclusive neighborhoods. They place their emphasis largely upon "spiritual gifts" rather than on Christ, who He was, what He said and did. For example, in the past religious sects such as the Mormons (Latter-day Saints) and the Quakers have claimed the gift of tongues. Other spiritual gifts include the ability to interpret these tongues, the gift of prophecy, discerning between godly and demonic spirits and the ability to heal. I get that, and actually would affirm that as part of the reason, but from a sociological perspective, other things are happening and worth exploring. ", "Spiritual intimidation: Members who leave may be told God will judge them or they will be turned over to Satan. ", "Compliance through shame: Those who violate OP (Oneness Pentecostal) standards or holiness must confess their sins before the entire church.". I first became involved with a Pentecostal, Assemblies of God Church at the age of 14. 1. However, they also feel the need to stress that "gift of tongues" must be used within the right context. The word “ Pentecost ” (from the Greek word pentēkostē, meaning “fiftieth”) 4 comes from the Greek name for a harvest festival that is also known as the “Feast of Weeks.” This unique feast occurred 7 weeks after Passover (49 days), culminating with the actual feast on day 50 (hence, the New Testament term “Pentecost”). In such a circumstance there is also the danger of not speaking out. Such techniques seem to offer the convert a temporary form of escapism from the big, bad world and often prepare the believer for his or her next hectic week in the world. But I would just brush my doubts away and instead, became swept up in the emotion and hype. They also see prophecy as predominantly historical as expressed through the time of prophets and apostles recorded in the bible. But if this is the case, subsequently tongues cannot be interpreted within the church and perhaps it would be preferable if people practiced this and prayed at home, allowing for a more private setting between a believer and God. There is a diverse range of Pentecostal and charismatic groups. Thankyou Joe, Thank you Joe, Thank you soooo much for helping me. Poloma Margret, M. The Assemblies of God at the Crossroads: Charisma & Institutional Dilemmas: University of Tennessee Press: Knoxville; 1989. Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians often criticize mainstream Christians for being lukewarm, even in their way of addressing God. The healer often exclaims, "Come out to the stage and be healed." To many outsiders, the movement would appear to represent a frightening return to medievalism and superstition." H. Evaluating the Charismatic Movement: A Theological & Biblical Appraisal: Judson Press, USA; 1997. The point of Pentecost is mission, and the goal of mission is that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. Give us today our daily bread. The argument that Pentecostal theology emerges from Pentecost is perhaps self-evident. (1 Corinthians 12:4). The History of the Pentecostal Church Pentecostalism is a form of Christianity that emphasises the work of the Holy Spirit and the direct experience of the presence of God by the believer. It is instead a contrived jargon taken from the bible seemingly for effect. seemingly unconditional love). It marks the beginning of the Church, the gift of the Holy Spirit and more. Pentecostalism Is Not Evangelicalism “Plus Tongues” First, I do not believe that what is at the heart of the Pentecostal movement should be reduced merely to tongues, or spiritual gifts, or a vibrant worship experience. Their Christian walk has benefited, and they trust everyone should have access. So second, being Pentecostal is about being intentionally evangelistic. It’s not just tongues. Many Pentecostal Christians attend huge healing gatherings whereby anyone who's sick is encouraged to attend in the hope of being healed. Hence critical thinking is required. I've noted the differing styles of prayer. "Both Charismatics and New Agers offer simplistic, quick fix solutions, which are based in magic and superstition, to social and personal problems." Healing crusades appear to be big business and generate big money. Of the two, glossalalia is more common. Even the minister was more appealing. Anyone can throw crutches on a stage and/or make claims. Or, 'She's sick because she's harboring an unresolved grudge.' Such information often enables the minister to manipulate his flock. Some of the favored Pentecostal spiritual gifts, which are not necessarily prominent within mainstream Christian churches, include "baptism in the Holy Spirit" (i.e. So, more often than not, stagnation is not as compatible with a real Spirit-filled experience. Or, 'Benny Hinnis unable to heal her because she lacks faith." Think of all the Christians and non-Christians alike who have unconfessed sins. Ten of thousands of people often attend a single Benny Hinn crusade, which are frequently held in huge stadiums. In writing this analysis, it is important to note that the Pentecostal movement is diverse and heterogeneous. "Prophecy, healing, exorcism and spiritual warfare have all caused deep and lasting harm to people with genuine faith. Those who do not speak in tongues may not be considered "spirit filled." : had no ear, was blind, deaf, mute and suffering from leprosy. This previous refrain would be comparable to a Charismatic Christian or Pentecostal in prayer saying, "Oh Lord God almighty I feel your presence. '", "Leaders claiming divine authority for their actions and demands.". "Speaking of tongues" is when a person speaks whatever comes to mind. Feelings and emotions play a large role in the Pentecostal religious experience. An exodus of believers from such churches began a few years ago and have now become a torrent! So even trimming of the hair is against the Bible. (Matthew 6:613). I get that, and actually would affirm that as part of the reason, but from a sociological perspective, other things are happening and worth exploring. When you think your expression is worth sharing (be it Pentecostal, Calvinist or Anabaptist) you are more likely to share it with others, start new churches and more. "speaking of tongues"). For example, one problem that exists within some Pentecostal churches regarding prophecies, is when a person speaks out and has not necessarily been commanded to do so by God. "But when you pray, go to your room, close the door and pray with your Father, who is unseen. Also it seems that the gift of speaking in tongues is not necessarily for everyone. Often he talked of Christ excitedly, arms swaying in the air, with a vibrant voice exhorting the audience to contribute by saying: "Hallelujahs" and "Praise God Almighty"! '', "A movement drawing sharp, negotiable boundaries between 'them' and 'us', 'godly' and 'satanic', 'good' and 'bad' - and so on. Although some people are said to have broken legs and crutches have been thrown onto the stage, this does not necessarily mean a person has been healed. Introduction My Background Praise and Worship Techniques Speaking in Tongues Prayer Prophecies Pentecostalism's Impact. Christians who reject strict obedience to Bible guidelines argue that Pentecostals, to be consistent, should eat only kosher food and practice the common treasury of the church in Acts . I was at church camp, the only possible place where anything spiritually good can happen. Pentecost has special meaning for people of all nationalities and backgrounds. In some cases it seems Pentecostal groups may almost worship a different Jesus and some are apparently heretical according to Christian scholars. It is important to objectively evaluate any healing not evident to the naked eye by a process of expert medical review. So, then, what difference does it make for us today that the first Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit almost two millennia ago on the Jewish festival of Pentecost?

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