[20] And you shall take of the blood thereof, and put it on the four horns of it, and on the four corners of the settle, and on the border round about: thus shall you cleanse and purge it. They insist with resolute determination that the non-white races were “created” by the Almighty on the 6th day, and that Adam-man was “formed” on the 8th day, though nowhere in Scripture is an 8th day creation … The Bible is filled with symbolism, giving hints of God’s mind. He said, “He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised.” Being circumcised on the eighth day was symbolic of being in complete submission to God. But on the day after the Sabbath came Resurrection. In Genesis, the creation week was over. Because that is not what God is portraying. That is when the Nazirites and those who were cleansed were restored to God. He makes the point that each individual will be responsible for their own salvation, and he uses Noah as an example: “And [God] spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly” (2 Peter 2:5 2 Peter 2:5And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly;American King James Version×, King James Version). Note: I call it the eighth day only because it happened after God's day of rest; how long after, the Bible doesn't say. American King James Version×). Some things about God are able to be understood easily, some things can only be spiritually discerned, and some things are not knowable at this time (Isaiah 55:8 Isaiah 55:8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the LORD.American King James Version×). That is when the firstborn offerings were to begin to be offered. The structure of the week is overturned. Genesis 1:31 God create Man, Male and Female. 5:17), that we are created in Christ (Eph. The billions who have died not knowing what to expect will come up in the resurrection of the Great White Throne Judgment and know God. Sep 4, 2016. [25] Seven days shall you prepare every day a goat for a sin offering: they shall also prepare a young bullock, and a ram out of the flock, without blemish. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, on the throne of David, and on his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from now on even for ever. Christ is the new creation, the One in Whom all things are made new, and His glories are inexhaustible. Only then—on the eighth day—will the altar be consecrated and God will accept the burnt offerings and peace offerings made there. Those who lost loved ones will meet them again. [19] And you shall give to the priests the Levites that be of the seed of Zadok, which approach to me, to minister to me, said the Lord GOD, a young bullock for a sin offering. There was no “eighth day” of creation. Day 6: God creates all the animals that live on dry land. Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment” (John 5:21, 24-29). Sep 5, 2016 #20. As we know, God will build another temple complex in Jerusalem during the Millennium (Ezekiel 40 begins the description of that vision). Creation Day 1 (Genesis 1:1–5) God created the heavens and the earth. “And you shall not go outside the door of the tabernacle of meeting for seven days, until the days of your consecration are ended. After being washed, clothed in the priestly garments, and sprinkled with blood, they stayed in the tabernacle for seven days. And immediately after healing the man by the pool, Jesus speaks of resurrection (John 5:19-29). He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. The Eighth Day Feast is Commonly Thought of as a Jewish Holiday. Your gift enables this work. The mission of the CiRCE Institute is to support teachers and parents who want to cultivate wisdom and virtue in their students through the truths of Christian classical education. What does that number mean? There will be a new heaven and a new earth. Matthew’s gospel opens with the genealogy or the “genesis” of Jesus Christ and John opens with an even more direct reference to Genesis – “In the beginning…” John then adds that the Word was the Creator. The casting away of sadness and mourning. How many countless billions have gone to their grave not knowing what lies beyond? He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. However, there is one important thing to take note of that God did every day of the six days. In John 4:46-54, right after meeting with the woman at the well, Jesus heals the son of a ruler in Cana and the ruler, and all his household, believed in Jesus. Paul is talking about righteousness, and being in complete submission to God. Creation Day 7 (Genesis 2:1–3) God rests. Adam means ruddy completed, to show blood (in the face), flush or turn rosy. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.American King James Version×). I say that because after Cain slew Able, Adam booted his butt out and sent him away. They insist with resolute determination that the non-white races were “created” by the Almighty on the 6th day, and that Adam-man was “formed” on the 8th day, though nowhere in Scripture is … “The heavens” refers to everything beyond the earth, outer space. For seven days he shall consecrate you” (Leviticus 8:33 Leviticus 8:33And you shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation in seven days, until the days of your consecration be at an end: for seven days shall he consecrate you.American King James Version×). They brought 6 large water jars to Jesus filled with water, and out of the water, Jesus brought wine. Those simple seven days of creation that fill our children’s books and nurseries are what lead us to celebrate this Easter Sunday as the eighth day of creation. When does day end, when does it begin, where does the night end, day begin. Why don’t we just go back to one after counting the seven days? He also serves as a pastor in Concord, NC, where he lives with his wife and their four children. That false religious system of Babylon is the eighth of those kings. Man means Ethnos, means the ethnic groups other … In the end of this age, the false religion of Babylon described in Revelation 17 portrays Satan ruling over the earth before Christ’s return. Detailed without being overly technical, humane without being fulsome, The Eighth Day of Creation tells of molecular biology's search for the secret of life. “For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will…Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. It included seven days of purification, with an offering made on the eighth day. The early Church celebrated every Sunday as the “eighth day.” Creation was complete in six days, and God rested on the Sabbath—but at the Resurrection God started something new. The term that our creator used for the seventh and last annual Holyday was simply "the eighth day". Right after His meeting with Nicodemus, in chapter 4, Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well, addressing her spiritual thirst, which far exceeds her physical thirst. It is significant that eight, in Biblical numerics, means "new beginnings", because God is about to form a new man for a very, very special purpose. In John 3, Nicodemus, “a ruler of the Jews” comes to Jesus at night and Jesus tells him he needs to be born again. Later, Jerome argued that the number seven represented Judaism and the law, and the eighth day represented the gospel, so therefore, he argued, Christians must do away with the law. [27] And when these days are expired, it shall be, that on the eighth day, and so forward, the priests shall make your burnt offerings on the altar, and your peace offerings; and I will accept you, said the Lord GOD. Then they received circumcision, and thenceforward were recognized as holy, having the seal of the covenant or purification of God upon them (Leviticus 12:2, 3). With a UCG.org account you will be able to save items to read and study later! On Day Two in Genesis, God created the firmament, separating the waters, and naming it Heaven. What happened after the seventh day? Jesus was crucified on a Friday, so when the Sabbath came, He was in the grave and all hope seemed lost. In the last part of John 1, John the Baptist – who baptized Jesus with water - bears witness to Jesus and the Spirit of God descended from heaven and remained on Christ. And welcome to the shaman’s. Let us search the Scriptures to find out what the significance could be. And you shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation in seven days, until the days of your consecration be at an end: for seven days shall he consecrate you. This in no way indicates He was weary from His creative efforts; rather, it denotes that the creation is complete. The Gathering Place (Apprentices & Mentors), A Brief Introduction to Classical Education, Remote vs. Home Learning: What Else the Coronavirus Means for Classical Schools, Give Children with Autism What They Really Need, The Son of God descended from Heaven (Day Two), He is the vine Who also gives His blood for wine (Day Three), Christ is the King of Heaven, the One who separates light from darkness (Day Four), Christ is the image of the Father, the God-man, the Word made flesh (Day Six), In Him we are resurrected to new and eternal life (Day Eight). This false reverence of the number eight is what led to Sunday worship in Christianity by the Catholic Church. God’s plan looks forward to the fulfillment of what the Eighth Day pictures, which is the eternal reign of God and Jesus Christ, the new heaven and the new earth, with all mankind having the opportunity to have been purified and set apart to live forever. They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. In his disputation with Faustus, Augustine explained the change of signs from circumcision to baptism, and the change of the Sabbath day from the seventh to the eight, by suggesting that the “eighth day” in the Old Testament carried with it the idea of new creation and resurrection. Well in order to explain the eighth day, we need to start at the first. You mean, eight maids a milking? The next verse reveals: “Likewise you shall do with your oxen and your sheep. Of the increase of His government, there will be no end (Isaiah 9:7 Isaiah 9:7Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, on the throne of David, and on his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from now on even for ever. Many take what is written here as that Adam was created on the eighth day, and was not part of the sixth day creation because it says “there was not a man to till the ground”. The Fourth Day of Creation The Introduction of Earth’s Sun, Moon, and Stars H ave you ever wondered what really happened with regard to the development of TIME on earth between the first and the fourth day of creation, the cycles of “evenings and mornings” before the existence, alignment, and setting in motion, of the sun, moon, and stars? After this, they came out on the eighth day and made a sin offering for the people. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the LORD. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. There is no eighth day of creation. The Eighth Day, which is one of the most meaningful yet least understood Holy Days by mankind, points to the ultimate culmination of God’s plan: the resurrection and judgment of the vast majority of all the human beings who have ever lived. The Eighth Day of Creation (TEDoC for short, published in 1979) is a scientific history that shows how we get from vague misunderstanding to established scientific theory. He is not portraying a weekly cycle with the Feast of Tabernacles. The sun gives light during the day and the moon reflects the sun at night. That is when the priests were allowed to begin to make sacrifices. and the earth. ... God created man and man was not created to die. [11] And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you. Christ completes each day of creation. The destruction of death. The waters were made to “swarm” with life (Genesis 1:21). There is a similar seven-day period of consecration for the priests described in Leviticus 8, where Moses first prepared Aaron and his sons for their service as priests to God at the tabernacle. But the plan of God does not focus ultimately on the return of Jesus Christ. Looking through the rest of the Bible, we find various illustrations that help open up the meaning of that great day. These are things we should indeed look forward to and long for. The symbolism of the Eighth Day, laid out like fingerprints throughout God’s Word, is incredibly significant. The throne of God will be with His family, and He will rule with Jesus Christ for eternity. And we see this in John as well. Likewise, the fulfillment of the Eighth Day shows that God’s Kingdom will be eternal. Now don’t accuse me of promoting the “Great Watchmaker” theory of creation. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made” (1:1-5). It is something like a pause in creation: man already created, but he is not ready yet for co-creation with God, he need to learn. On Day One in Genesis 1, God created light. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life. When YHVH made a complete end to mankind, he spared eight people, who began anew. It will begin, but never end. It is obvious the other races cannot physically blush. 1. The particular case that Horace Freeland Judson chronicles is the molecular biology revolution that happened between the 1940s and the early 1970s and echoes into present day biological research. Satan has counterfeited God’s ways in many, many ways to lead people astray. © 1995–2021 All correspondence and questions should be sent to info@ucg.org. He also created the first man as a special creation. Each day of the six days of creation God created something different. Once you've read it, you'll find yourself returning to it again and again for insight and encouragement as you continue the exciting process of becoming all God created you to be. And immediately after healing the man by the pool, Jesus speaks of resurrection (John 5:19-29). On Day Four in Genesis, God created the sun, moon, and stars, to serve as rulers of the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. Similarly, it is asked, what happened on the eighth day? We want to rise to meet Christ in the air. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God has placed symbolic meaning in counting up to the number eight. The pollution of Christianity that came from gnosticism (among other things) honored the number eight. [21] You shall take the bullock also of the sin offering, and he shall burn it in the appointed place of the house, without the sanctuary. Therefore, the eighth day might seem to be fixed upon by the Lord, to prefigure the beginning of a new life.”. ? St. Augustine (one of many Church fathers to address the eighth day) wrote that Jesus “suffered voluntarily, and so could choose His own time for suffering and for resurrection, He brought it about that His body rested from all its works on Sabbath in the tomb, and that His resurrection on the third day, which we call the Lord’s day, the day after the Sabbath, and therefore the eighth, proved the circumcision of the eighth day to be also prophetical of Him.”, John Calvin, in his commentary on Genesis 17:12, also noted this connection (though with less enthusiasm, as the broader context shows), “It is probable and consonant with reason, that the number seven designated the course of the present life. He was in the beginning with God. It shall be with its mother seven days; on the eighth day you shall give it to Me.” The first seven days were for preparation, counting toward and looking forward to the eighth day, when the offering of the firstborn was to be given to God. Another example of the number eight is in Exodus when God told Israel: “You shall not delay to offer the first of your ripe produce and your juices. There is 7td day, but it is not called day of creation (it is called Shabbat). And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. It is taught that the 8th day always refers to new beginnings. Not only did He suspend the natural order – making fermented wine quickly – but He also recalls us to Day Three of creation when God spoke and, out of the waters, brought forth land and trees that gave fruit (like grapes for wine) for man to enjoy. The eighth is a day signalized by sanctity. The opinions and arguments of our contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute or its leadership. The Eighth Day. On the eighth day the process would be complete. Like Matthew, John begins his gospel at the beginning. Jesus divided the waters and declared Himself the One who connects heaven and earth. Secondarily was the argument that Christ rose on Sunday (which is modernly held to as the reason for the change). While Cain and Able are growing up and learning to work in the field, the Land of Nod is populated. We want to be done with the trials, the stresses and the troubles of this life and to see our redemption into glory. Of importance to keep in mind with this topic is the counterfeit use of the number eight by Satan. We are told, concerning the first Shabbat in creation, that “G-d blessed the seventh day and He sanctified it.” (Genesis 2:3) We are later told that “on the seventh day He ceased and rested.” (Exodus 31:17) And now we are told that on the eighth day, “the glory of HaShem appeared to all the people. In other words, the eighth day of Pesach had been an ordinary day, but through the power endowed by the Torah, the Jewish people were able to transform it into a holy day. as if the Genesis account is a conflation of two myths of the creation of the world by God. But when did He say to give these? Christ’s return is part of the process. This week’s Torah reading comes to answer this question: “And it was on the eighth day, that Moshe summoned Aharon and his sons and the elders of Israel.” (Leviticus 9:1) What was the occasion? When Moshiach comes, a similar transformation will occur throughout all of creation. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Have you heard of the eighth day? Noah was saved because he was in complete submission to God. The creation ended about 1983 years ago when Jesus was risen from the dead, on the eighth day. Resources for the members of the United Church of God. The wedding party ran out of wine, so Mary asked Jesus to intervene. On Day Seven in Genesis, God rested from His creation and established the Sabbath pattern for man. 5. Jesus answered, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” This is Day Seven of the new creation. [11] And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition. Send inquiries regarding the operation of this Web site to webmaster@ucg.org. American King James Version×). 6. There are 21 references to “ eighth day ” in Scripture. The 8th day of Christmas, you ask? Privacy Policy  Terms of Use. A new creation was created on the eighth day, and Jesus Christ was the First of many sons of God to come. [24] And you shall offer them before the LORD, and the priests shall cast salt on them, and they shall offer them up for a burnt offering to the LORD. Why are we concerned with the eighth day in the first place? is the 8th day creation of Adam and Eve after mankind was created on the 6th day. The children of Israel completed the work of the Tabernacle on the 23th day of the month of Adar. Verse 5 – “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” This should remind us of Day One in creation, when God spoke light into existence. Day 5: God created all the fish and other water creatures. HOME. And they shall reign forever and ever” (Revelation 22:1-5 Revelation 22:1-5 [1] And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. The new creation has an eighth day, and it is the most glorious day of all. so there was no eighth day of creation. I had someone ask me about the symbolism of the eighth day in the Bible. The “eighth day” (in a seven-day week cycle) denotes new creation–one and eight representing creation and new creation. And Christ is also the light of the new creation – “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. The second thing that happened was the creation of light and its division from darkness, producing the very first 24 hour evening and morning and this 24-hour evening and morning FOLLOWED the “first” or “ CHIEF” yom/day in creation and then when he rested, it was on BOTH the eighthday as well as the seventh day, i.e.

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