Nene/nena Here we have Spanish Street Slang for funny words to express yourself in “Having  a Laugh” and typical “Commands” that are given in the Spanish language, Creo que me he perdido la cabeza “¿Nos vemos en tu jato?” Help Add to Our Support Base: Press Like or Follow Us! Ñeque also comes from the Quechua word ñiqquiy meaning muscle. Boludo is Argentinian for “bro” or “assho**”, depending on the context. In Guatemala, the cops are called chontes. Che comes from Che Guevara and is a very casual way of saying 'hey' or 'yo' to a friend. Stay tuned for more slang from other Spanish-speaking countries by joining our subscribers list here. If you stop to think about it, you can probably come up with a whole list of words in your native language that mean something other than the literal translation or have different meanings around the world. Linguists say that mande was inherited from the times of colonization when mestizos/indigenous castes submitted to Europeans/criollos by using the phrase “mándeme usted”, roughly meaning you’re in charge, tell me what to do. “I thought the homework was for tomorrow!”. “¡No quiero salir más contigo! The Cuban version of “bro” used to show proximity, usually preceded by que bola. Mucho can be written as mxo and chau as xau. “Cerote” litterally is “a piece of shit”, or just “excrement”. ¿Qué lo qué? Ecuador has the second largest indigenous population of any country in South America. To be ferociously angry at someone or something. 4. ¡Te extrañe este fin de!” Jato is an informal way of saying your house, your dwelling, your place. But if you can’t catch their accent right away, here are a few slang words that make them stand out! 2. “Hey bro, how are you?”. 2. Spanish Insults. As you probably know if you’ve learned some Spanish, tío means uncle and the feminine version, tía, means aunt. Orate . “Look at that little boy over playing with the dogs”. CURRAR = TO WORK (verb) Spanish synonym: TRABAJAR Esta tarde no puedo ir al cine, tengo que currar hasta … Sounding like a fluent Spanish speaker requires a mastery of Spanish verbs, a wide Spanish vocabulary and, believe it or not, a little bit of slang!. 6. Please log in again. 1. It got out of hand”. Learn How to Insult in Spanish and Say Bad Spanish Words. Many countries use joder as annoy or mess around, but none of them use the stand-alone verb with the intensity of a Spaniard. Cuando vas a hacerlo? Al tiro. Caribbeans love jumbling their words together. 3. If you want to learn more about colloquial Spanish from all of the different Spanish speaking countries, make sure to check out the GrittySpanish blog and get fluent today! But what about their Spanish? “¡Qué tío!” means “What a (blank)!”. “Hey Vale, how are you? It literally means “send”, as in Message Not Received: Please Send Again. I’m going to get more beers. 1. Tato is the lite version of “está todo bien” or “está todo”. This could be a situation, person, movie… anything. What’s the worst of the worst? “I don’t want to go out, I’m too lazy”, “¿Chama qué haces?” Besides heavily aspirating the “s” in Venezuela and having strikingly similar accent to Canarians (who had a large impact during their colonization),Venezuelans have enough slang to make their very own dialect, if not language. It roughly means sh** or f***. Mande These 3 phrases, however, are the easiest way to tell a Mexican apart! ¡Ándale! They are also physically very diverse and some Mexicans have a quite neutral accent. “Oh so you’re not gonna cook for me? In all actuality, there is no end-all list of 10 essential Spanish slang expressions. 1. (NSFW) Dirty Spanish Words: 19 Hilariously Dirty Things You Just Said by Accident. To have a rubber arm or be easily persuaded. Pata (meaning female duck) is the way that friends refer to each other in Peru! On the San Minguando day that will never occur. (Walking down the street and you bump into a really good friend), “¿Qué lo qué mano?” It means what’s up, what’s going on! “Oye, te presento mi pata Juan” For non-native Spanish speakers, learning filler words is a useful investment of time for a number of reasons. For slang words from the different Spanish-speaking countries, check out the e-book below. Argentinians refrain from using pues at all, whereas Peruvians use “pue”. “Joder, tengo que entregar el ensayo mañana y ni siquiera he empezado” (Mom yells at you from other room but you don’t hear), “¿Mande?” ¡Lárgate, asqueroso!- Get lost, stinky! “The cops are coming, hide the weed!”. This is considered a form of courtesy in Mexico, and kids are taught that responding “¿Qué?” to an adult is maleducado (rude). Then, you’ll inevitably have an AHA! Execrable. 3. “Hola Vale, ¿cómo estay? Not to be confused with the prefix re, as in again, putting re before a word in Argentina simply adds to the greatness (or severity) of the object. “I’m going to my friend’s house”. Insider Tip:  Be careful because pata in PR means homoseuxal. The blank is interpreted according to the tone (idiot, hero, womanizer, genius, etc.). You are the devil, Voy a mear sobre la reja eléctrica While in Mexico birria is a goat meat stew, in Honduras it’s a slang word for beer. “Can you repeat please?”. “Mom, I’m gonna go hang out with my friends, see ya”. “Oye chamo, ¿cómo está la vaina?” “Mira esa foto que sacó en Nueva York… ¡Qué guay!” Today we have cheese, Quisiera una paella a perros “You haven’t finished your homework? Ese chele viene del norte. (What did you say?) Tato Wey is just Mexican for “bro” or “dude”. Take a look. “That guy is so cool!”. “Boludo, la fiesta estuvo re buena, ¡y te la perdiste!” Copado is Argentinian slang for cool, awesome! “I am working bro, what do you want?”. What’s the worst of the worst? Well, I got better, Mí cabeza no funciona bien ¡Qué padre! Todas las chicas se quiten sus ropas means what’s up, how ya been. How are you?”, “Él es muy parcero” ¿Cual es el colmo de los colmos? For example, when you wanna hit up your friend’s place for a get-together. moment while traveling and meeting Spanish speakers from all over the world: the vocabulary from region to region changes much more quickly than the sounds themselves. The religious use of it by the youth can be equated to “bro” or “dude”. Chamo/a means a boy or a girl, similar to tío/tía. Well, do it already then!”. Puedes decirme como ir a la granja de llamas? Se fue al garete” It’s only slightly derogatory and depends greatly on the tone it’s used for. This is a casual way to say “boring” in Chile. It is a transition word or an exclamation, roughly equating to well or hey! As if it weren’t confusing enough…, “Chama me puse arrecha cuando se fue sin decir adios” You’ll hear this phrase used by our Spaniard voice actors in the amazing Gritty Spanish Audio stories! Parce or parcero/a is next on the list of “bro/dude” and “girl/chick” terms. You have Spanish Speakers up and down the Southwest. Follow this link to get more Colombian slang! I know some people might think this is salvadorian but it would be nice if the catrachos get their own section. “My boyfriend hung up on me again!” “What a jerk!”. Maybe you hate your teacher and want to leave them with a farewell they'll never forget, or maybe you just want to know what that Spanish guy from down the street has been yelling at you every time you both cross paths. Check out more Peruvian slang words here! This is a dead giveaway for a Dominican! 3. Dédalo . Al garete See authoritative translations of Urban in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. “Make an effort/do your best on the homework”. When you consider all the different words and idiosyncrasies among the 20 countries that have Spanish as an official language, Spanish is incredibly rich on a lexical level. In this article, you will learn the THREE MOST COMMON SPANISH SLANG WORDS from 12 different Spanish speaking countries! Improve your command of language with this Spanish Slang. When a mute says to a deaf person that a blind person is looking at them. “Oye tío, ¿cómo has estado?” This is the quintessential Cuban phrase, like che boludo for the Argentinians and no mames for the Mexicans! “Hey there Maria, what’s up?”. The word, Burra Literally means “female donkey”. Gritty Spanish is a collection of immersive, realistic stories in Spanish. ¡Noombre! It is also used incredulously, to emphasize the ridiculous behavior of some guy/girl. Mes Amigos and me are gonna kick the frijoles out of jou if jou don shutcho taco hole. ¡Aguas! 2. Caleta, historically a place to hide stolen goods, is an informal term for house. By the way a couple of really high search terms on the internet include “Bitch in Spanish ” which is “Perra“, and “Asshole in Spanish“. Get the Free PDF and MP3. This list of Spanish slang words and colloquialisms from Peru was compiled during a recent trip there. Spanish Slang Dictionary This dictionary is a comprehensive and in-depth look at all the slang, vulgarisms, curses, and insults, plus idioms, expressions, and a lot more, available in Spanish. Today in Puerto Rico, it can mean when someone has lost it, gone off the path, or something that got out of hand. Dadivoso (m) / dadivosa (f) 3. Check out the top 3 slang words from Spain below. 4. Bueno, me estoy alentado Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. “Cómete un banano*, te ayudará con el chuchaqui” “Hey bro, what is good?”. Tío/tía, as you may remember from Spanish 1, literally mean uncle/aunt. For instance, ve al tiro means “go right now.” Bacán. Ex.Mi Hefita y Hefito. “The funniest thing happened to me! To get more insider intel on Guatemalan expressions, check out this link! Hoy tenemos queso “Girl what’re you doing?”, “Nada, aquí ladillada”  “Mami voy a salir con mis amigas” “Dale, tato” Mom and Dad. Gustavo Arellano: Ask A Mexican: Spanish Slang Edition. Legend goes that it derives from aparcero– someone who owned a stake in a parcel of land. Not to be confused with Colombian arrecha (meaning horny). She (the witch) turned me into a frog, La (la bruja) me transformara en un mudo. You can call your friend a "machine" in Spanish when they do just about anything that impresses you. It would be cool to try to add those to your list. Here, however, we have some truly Guatemalan words that only the chapínes/chapinas (Guatemalans) use! Esta Rucca esta loca. Che is thought to originally come from que in Italian. Not far off from the Colombian “¿dime?” or castellano “¿qué?”, mande is a response to something that you misunderstood/didn’t hear. Another word is bicha which can mean small girl or b*tch. Tato…” ¿Qué bola? Check out this post where you’ll learn even more Slang from Venezuela. Can you tell me how to get to the llama farm? 3. “Girl I got pissed when he left without saying bye”, “¡La fiesta estuvo arrechisima!” Thank you. It can be a question or a statement. “Hey bro, how have you been?”, “¡Mi novio me colgó de nuevo! When you have a mad hangover from la joda (the party), you have a chuchaqui. First, Spanish speakers use filler words all the time, and knowing them will help you improve your Spanish comprehension skills. Achuchar – to hug someone to the point that they can´t breath.. Acojonar – to frighten someone to the extreme.. Agobio – when someone feels overwhelmed. 30 May, 2019. Ay qué ladilla” “¿Oye qué bola?” After logging in you can close it and return to this page. (Watch out!) What a luxury. She loves reading anything (including product labels). By far the hardest of the Latinos to understand, not only for the super speed at which they speak but the conjugation of “vos” in a unique way, as if they were speaking Italian. “He called you fat? The answer to this one is either Gilipollas, tontopollas, or peludo! Sale (Alright) 5. Guay is the Spanish word for cool, awesome, amazing. I am the fire. The famous chicken buses of Guatemala are often referred to as burras, but fancy pullman trucks also make the cut. I missed you this weekend!”. However, guay is used exclusively in Spain, making it our #2 Spanish giveaway! Amorfo – can be used to refer to an ugly person.It literally means without form. But for now, let’s take you to Spain for these 10 common words: Spanish Slang from Spain . This word comes from the ancient psychedelic brew from the Amazon “ayahuasca”, that shamans still take today. It can also take on a more aggressive tone as “shi*”, like I don’t want to deal with this wea. Related Posts. No te pones bravo conmigo! “¡Pensaba que la tarea se entregaba mañana po!” No mames wey” The word comes from the Quechua word chaqui, meaning the discomfort one feels right after chewing coca leaves. You’re not gonna believe it! ¡Órale! 2. ¡Chale! Copado “Oh mate, what did you get yourself into?”. La (la bruja) me transformara a una sapo For more on slang that Argentinos can’t live without, click here! ¡Hágale pues! In Spain, however, tío is used colloquially as bro, dude or guy. The “j” is intense, like you’re about to hock a loogie. 3. “How boring is this stuff*”. 2. Get caught up on Ecuadorian slang straight from the streets here! Thus, you can be sure that you’re speaking with a Chilean if they sneak in a po every other sentence. Each Spanish-speaking country often has its own slang. As you may expect, the Spanish language isn’t short on slang words. meaning do it already or go ahead. If you wanna learn some more on Mexican slang to survive on the streets, check out this fun post! (All right!) “I don’t want to go out with you anymore! Check out more on Dominican sayings here! “It’s hot girl, open the window please!”. Carajito Join my 30-day Mastermind Polyglot Bootcamp here my Speedy … “Allí vienen los chontes, ¡esconde la marijuana!” “Mom I’m gonna go out with my friends” “Okay, it’s all good”, “Ah pues no me vas a cocinar? Central Americans have a few things in common, including the use of el voseo, the j slightly aspirated as if it were an h, and the gentle sound of ll and y (unlike Spain and Argentina). “Ese tipo es re copado!” Que un mudo le diga a un sordo que un ciego le esta mirando. It is also the word for love. My brain is not functionally well. “¿No terminó sus tareas todavía? All the girls take off your clothes, The Online Colloquial Dictionary for having a good time. Slang words vary from country to country, and sometimes from region to region. Wea On the contrary! When are you going to do it? ¿Cómo estás?” Chafas. words that are probably exclusively used in that country, or even possibly, specific to that region you’re in.. Of course, knowing some country specific slang is a fantastic way to break the ice and befriend a local native speaker. 7. When traveling in Spanish speaking countries, one of the best ways to befriend a native Spanish speaker is to have some knowledge of their local slang, which is why today we’re going to teach you the very best Mexican slang.. Of course, it’s a good idea to first know some basic Spanish words, or even better, learn the most common Spanish phrases for traveling. “The party was so awesome!”. Douchebag Spanish Translation: Gilipollas The word “Gilipollas” is normally used as a retorting cuss and is frequently used to refer to bastards. Asere (acere) Wanna sound like a local? She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. But today we are going to learn only the most common of the Spanish slang words, the ones you are more likely to hear during your trip to a Spanish speaking country. However, it’s a term used to refer to a bus or public transport. tienes or tenis). 3. 2. Traditionally an offensive way to say “loser”, derived from the word cero or “zero”, it is now a common way to refer a friend as a term of endearment. It is used in the same context as one would use «Dígame ». “¡Me toca salir ahora mismo si quiero tomar la burra!” Okay, I see you…”. The word is also commonly used in Spanish to mean ‘mate’, ‘man’ or ‘dude’. The use of non dictionary words in the Spanish language, street talk, made up words our culture has made up over the years 3. I am going to wizz on the electric fence, Tengo voluntad de putas “I have to leave right now if I want to get the bus!”. “The homework is for tomorrow? 1. No way bro”. Etéreo (m) / Etérea (f) 7.

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