,, I know people are desperate, but for the life of me, I don’t understand why any non-Muslim seriously thinks that living in Muslim countries is a good idea. “They [the Vietnamese companies] are supposed to protect our rights, but all they do is yell at us,” Linh said by phone. Hugh Fitzgerald, Frontpage Mag, November 8, 2019. their close companions in adult life.”, “When Prince Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz visited New York [City] Didnt think so. “Robert Lacey (born 3 January 1944) is a British historian – Sheikh Saleh Ibn Fawzan Ibn Abdullah, was member of the Council of Senior Scholars, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body, which advises the king on religious matters. Journalist John Laffin recorded a slave auction he attended in 1956 in Djibouti, to which Arab slavers had brought black captives. What can be done when the Slaves are listed as “Family Members”? Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. Saudi Arabia is a destination for men and women from South East Asia and East Africa trafficked for the purpose of labor exploitation, and for children from Yemen, Afghanistan, and Africa trafficking for forced begging. Dealers from Arabia bought them for the slave markets of Jedda and Medina. The couple was originally charged in federal court with involuntary servitude, punishable in cases involving sexual assault with life in prison. His followers continue to do so today.”. Everlyne Saliku Onamu, who was tortured in Saudi Arabia and could not speak when she returned home. All huddled together pushed around by armed guards in the airport terminal. at every UN debate on the subject up until the autumn of Muslims could perhaps also experience such a revelation from Allah. Small kids from Ethiopia and Sudan are sold for as less as SR 10,000 to average Saudi families as domestic servants. Many pilgrims, like the fictional Omar al-Musk, must have been kidnapped and enslaved. [3], Saudi Arabians who travel or reside abroad may be accompanied by servants who are held in servitude. Some are uninformed, others are misinformed, I’d wager… In addition, of course, to the relatively few who have the status/skills to have a prestigious/important job, ensuring them a different treatment. Sep. 4, 2006 update: Hana Al Jader, the wife of Saudi prince Mohamed Bin Turki Alsaud who is charged with enslaving two women, will plead guilty to two of the six counts of forced labor and four counts of violating immigration laws. Africa and the Arab nations. [citation needed] The Saudi government posted bail of $400,000. Also, they don’t risk their countries getting overpopulated by non-Muslims, as they well do w/ people from Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, India… Besides, just north of them are those ‘Palestinians’, who are allegedly poverty stricken: they could just import and enslave them – they’d not only have Muslims, but Arab Muslims at their beck and call. In November 2006, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers travelled to Saudi Arabia where he met with King Abdullah and Crown Prince Sultan to clear up "misperceptions" about the U.S. judicial system. There are many NGOs working with trafficking victims. Thousands of these workers have reported violence, sexual abuse, and cruelty as they are often treated as little more than overworked and underpaid slaves. ISBN-10: 0006365094 ISBN-13: 978-0006365099, “The government [of Saudi Arabia] hurriedly purchased the of Islam, is NEVER criticized The slave-owner mentality remains. When Linh asked to be moved to another family – a workers’ right according to their contracts – staff at the Vietnamese broker company shouted at her and tried to intimidate her. I arrived in KSA for the first time in Riyadh, stepped into the terminal, what did I see? This is not the case with Mohammed, He not only held slaves, he was a slave traders, enslaved his victims, and used girls as sex slaves. Info. It was reported in June 2005 in The Denver Post that a Saudi couple who resided in Aurora, Colorado had been accused of keeping their Indonesian maid in captivity for 4 years forcing her to cook and clean. Some victims of abuse, due to procedural hurdles, choose to leave the country rather than confront their abusers in court. Bangladesh is a muslim country. In Saudi Arabia, the investigation found hundreds of women being sold on Haraj, another popular … Unfortunately the aforementioned nationals have no choice. Homaidan Al-Turki, the husband, was also accused of repeatedly raping the young woman. In other countries, if a foreigner commits a crime, his visa is impounded, and he’s deported back to his country (maybe after a jail term, depending on the crime). Or Allah could give a revelation to some imams. (chapter 3, page 44) by Bruce and Becky Durost Fish, year 2001, Perhaps Muslims could reject slavery despite their scriptures. According to law enforcement authorities: the maid's passport had been taken from her; she was paid about $2.00 a day; rapes occurred on a weekly basis. Her phone has been taken away and Sang is only able to contact her every two to three weeks, “when her employer feels like [allowing her]”. But these vicious Muslim thugs have never really given it up. People just have to treat some things in the scriptures as having an expiration date or being metaphorical and not literal, which they do for Christian scriptures. If I go to the police, at least they’d bring me to the detention centre, and I’d be deported and allowed to leave.”. The kafala (‘sponsorship’) system requires the vast majority of non-Saudis living in the Kingdom to be under the sponsorship of a Saudi national or a registered company. So, we are Saudi’s slightly uppity mercenaries. ‘Opening a Window’ Trawri finished Maymouna in 2000 and sent it to the Sharjah Award for Arab Creativity, where it won an award in 2001. Another case involved Princess Buniah Al Saud, niece of Fahd of Saudi Arabia, who was arrested in Orlando, Florida and accused of pushing her Indonesian maid down a flight of stairs. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. Vietnamese domestic workers are entitled to classes on language, skills and culture but the sessions are poorly executed, say the workers. That constitutes slavery, whether or not it is called by that name. The nameless woman in a BBC documentary is one of the 2.8 million women employed as maids in the Middle East under the kafala system. He travelled 1,500km from his southern Vietnamese home province of Tay Ninh to the capital, Hanoi, to beg the broker, but was turned away…. As is well known, slavery was formally abolished in Saudi Arabia as late as 1962, and then only after terrific pressure had been applied to the Saudis by Western governments. The couple moved to the United States in 2000 accompanied by their maid. Liberals, Leftists, Progressives, and Socialists. and Queen Elizabeth II, as well as works of popular history.”. Slavery may have been formally abolished, but the cruel and savage treatment of foreign domestic workers, their inability to free themselves from arduous work conditions because their employers keep their passports and other documents, amount to slavery in all but name. Foremost of the leaders of the revolt [in Sudan The slaves have been delivered, the brokers paid by the  Saudi employers, and the living conditions, of 18-hour days, with one meal a day, are now the norm. Criminal cases are adjudicated under Sharia law, and there is no evidence trafficking victims are accorded legal assistance before and during Sharia legal proceedings. He is also currently a member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Issuing Fatwas, a committee of the Council of Senior Scholars. They are captives of their employer in every sense. They can import an endless number of slaves from Pakistan and Bangladesh, and pay them even less than they do Vietnamese or Filipinos. ***** QUICK QUOTES ABOUT ARABS AND Britain and the importation of slaves was illegal in the In the 1990s, someone reported seeing an ad in a Saudi newspaper for the swap of a girl for a ‘nice car’. to help pay for their journey home, and the slave trade Note that Jesus never held slaves–in fact, he ministered to slaves. People around the world were shocked by a video of a Saudi man assaulting his maid. One concerns visa fraud and the other harboring an illegal alien for financial gain. In 2004, there were reports of Philippine female domestic workers raped; however, there were no reports of prosecutions.,, Islamic preacher with 487,000 YouTube followers quotes Muhammad to recommend drinking of camel urine, Ilhan Omar Enraged as AIPAC Calls Her Out for Supporting Jihad Against Israel, Germany: Muslim migrant brutally attacks transvestite, stabbing him repeatedly, UK: Muslim says he’ll ‘stamp on the grave’ of soldier beheaded by Muslims on London street. Adapted from the United States Department of State publication, This page was last edited on 13 January 2021, at 15:07. Too bad that Malcolm X also chose to ignore the fact that Islam wasn’t a religion for Black supremacy, as he and his comrades preached: it’s a religion for Arab supremacy, including supremacy over Blacks. The Saudi government also made no discernable effort to employ procedures to identify and refer victims to protective services. Mecca had a thriving slave market in the 1960’s which shocked Malcolm X when he did the Hajj. The Government of Saudi Arabia does not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. Or one can discover the forbidding of slavery in a secret koranic code. It was not formally abolished Second, these domestic workers — Vietnamese, Filipino, Thai, Indonesian, Sri Lankan — are almost all non-Muslims, and the treatment they receive is commensurate with their description in the Qur’an, as  being “the most vile of creatures.” It would be interesting to compare the working conditions of the non-Muslim domestic workers in Saudi Arabia with those who, from Indonesia, are themselves Muslim. Shortly afterwards, it was also abolished in Qatar, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and finally in Oman in 1970. Robert Spencer The Government of Saudi Arabia does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so. Slavery in Saudi Arabia: Imprisonment & Execution of Migrant Workers - YouTube. Mauritania outlawed slavery at least five times: 1905, 1961, 1961, 1981, 2007. Saudi Arabia outlawed it in 1962, Sudan in 2005. Al-Turki's wife, Sarah Khonaizan, who plead guilty to reduced state and federal charges, is to be deported from the US. (chapter 2, page 27) by Winston Churchill, year 1899. As Saudis filed toward the Manfuhah Mosque on November 4, government buses rolled in to carry 23,000 foreign workers to deportation centres, and then out of the kingdom. SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: freedom of 4,000-or-so slaves in the kingdom [of Saudi Arabia] James DeMeo, “Saharasia”. The government similarly did not take law enforcement action against trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation in Saudi Arabia, or take any steps to provide victims of sex trafficking with protection. Saudi Arabia And The International Sex Slave Trade. Like Dao, she said she was given one meal a day and worked 18-hour shifts. First in the pecking order are peninsula Arabs (Quraysh tribes of Mohammed), then other Arabs in countries like Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and elsewhere in North Africa. The Saudi Government does, however, provide food and shelter for female workers who file complaints or run away from their employers. Rather, slavery in the kingdom pits Saudi citizen against a spectrum of foreign workers branded “job thieves” by state legislators. Middle Eastern slavery was horrific not only because of its savagery, but also because it persisted so long. They are required first to file a complaint with the police before they are allowed access to shelters. Well, it’s not like they regard all Muslims as equal: they have a hierarchy that would make the Hindu caste system look egalitarian by comparison. Then they have other Muslims – Abeds as they call them – from Africa and elsewhere in Asia. The government offers no legal aid to foreign victims and does not otherwise assist them in using the Saudi criminal justice system to bring their exploiters to justice. The government made key achievements during the reporting period; therefore Saudi Arabia was upgraded to … Most abuses involving foreign workers are dealt with by Islamic law, royal decrees, and ministerial resolutions; few are submitted to criminal prosecution. Recently Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious leader called for slavery to be re-legalized throughout the kingdom. There is discreet slave trade in illegal poor African labor. the importation of slaves was illegal in the United States, Slavery has NOT been abolished in Saudi Arabia. Younger women beaten by older ones, raped by the dominant male, children become a commodity lacking in mother-love. In 2004, the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Labor issued resolutions, among other things, prohibiting trading in work visas, employing and exploiting children, and recruiting for begging. Some who escaped have recounted slave-like working and living conditions. For the ‘Nation of Islam’ it suited them to blame everything on white people. United States, an active slave trade continued between was one traditional source of the shareefs’ wealth.”, “In Nejd every emir and sheikh had at least one black family According to international organizations such as Ansar Burney Trust, some young children from nearby Pakistan, Bangladesh and India are also smuggled to Saudi Arabia to be used as jockeys. Some domestic workers have been raped and murdered by their Arab employers. But many more abolitionists found passages that they felt condemned slavery. USA needs to escape from Saudi money, even if it takes 50 years. They all had a look of fear, the faces I could see anyway. I’m all for military alliances but not at the cost of human rights! The husband was also charged in state court with multiple counts of sexual assault. “I worked from 5am until 1am in the morning, and was allowed to eat once at 1pm,” Dao told Al Jazeera of her experience in the port city of Yanbu. Linh, the domestic helper in Riyadh, said when she contacted the Vietnamese company that brought her there, they told her the employment contract is only valid in Vietnam, not in Saudi Arabia. The maid entered the couples service at 17 through an Indonesian employment agency as a domestic worker. Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Their fear is palpable. "Suthers reassures Saudis:Feds back Suthers' trip to explain case of captive nanny". November 2017. Yeah, slavery exists in not just the KSA, but de-facto, in other sheikhdoms in the region as well.

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