Overwhelmingly Protestant and English speaking, Canada West’s population is now greater than Canada East’s and it is growing at a faster rate. Societies of British North America to 1860, 12.3 Childhood in New France and Lower Canada, 13.2 Aboriginal Societies in the 18th Century, 13.6 Boundary Disputes and Manifest Destiny, 13.10 A Shrinking Aboriginal Landscape in the 1860s, Chapter 14. The ability to broker deals was critical to a ministry staying in office, and few could pull it off. They could make or break a community and, it was feared, even a whole colony. In some years, they were also referred to as Lower Canada and Upper Canada. This was a strangely anti-materialistic movement that reflected rural suspicion of the cities and towns, Anglicanism, Catholicism, big business, and Montreal as a whole. From 1791 to 1841 the region was known as Upper Canada and from 1841 to 1867 as Canada West, though the two names continued to be employed interchangeably. Counties, districts and townships in different areas of the province may have shared the same name. Prior to 1869 vital records in early Ontario/Canada West/Upper Canada requires research of non-centralized record groups which this book identifies. Revised from Toronto Cane map by Schrauwers is in the public domain. Despite its significant shortcomings, the Act of Union forced Canada’s politicians to seek out partnerships across old barriers. And without the support of members of the assembly from Canada East — who were not prepared to endorse their own political disaster — representation by population was a non-starter and the Grits were relegated to the governmental sidelines. 1852 Census of Canada West (Ontario) You are here: Home / 1852 / Canada West The emergence of political parties complicated the possibility of an English-French dichotomy in the assembly. Intercolonial Rivalries, Imperial Ambitions, and the Conquest, Chapter 7. These developments, however, raise the question again: assimilation into what? Rupert's Land and the Northern Plains, 1690-1870, 8.4 Commerce, Collusion, and Conflict in the 18th Century, 8.10 The New HBC and the New Nation to 1860, Chapter 9. Tories on an arson rampage in Montreal, annexationists popping up in what had hitherto been Tory circles, and responsible government breaking out in three — soon all five — British North America colonies in the east. Nor did Upper Canada’s independent farmers turn out in numbers to support Mackenzie. Fugitive settlements in Canada grew steadily, primarily in western Ontario. As we’ve seen, the ability of the Canadien members to close ranks against assimilation was greater than the ability of Canadian members to mount a united front against French Catholicism. Nothing underlines the loss of absolute certainties in Canadian politics like the issue of assimilation. Foreign policy and defence were both very much in the hands of Britain. It is remarkable how quickly politicians in the two Canadas came to an understanding on how they might best proceed. Part of the anger in the late 1840s stemmed from disappointing and frightening economic times, which many associated with Britain’s move to free trade. https://www.geographicus.com/P/AntiqueMap/WestCanada-tallis-1850 This occurred with the support of assembly members who had rallied at the Six Counties in 1837 and who saw the institutions of the Canadien countryside as critical in the preservation of culture. Copyright © 2021 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps | Geographicus Rare Antique Maps, Copyright © 2021 Geographicus Rare Antique Maps, This is John Tallis' extremely attractive c. 1850 map of West Canada or what is now Ontario. This version is released under a CC-BY 4.0 International license. The Rouges remained fearful of anything that threatened Canadien culture and in this the Grits and Rouges were obviously at odds. ... Popular Politics and Political Culture in Upper Canada, 1800-1850. It would also improve the possibility of Radical control of the government because it would inevitably create additional seats in Reform- and Grit-friendly areas, not in Tory hotbeds. In other words, democracy was something directly experienced by a minority, and it produced governments with limited powers whose ability to do what mattered to colonists was limited. Upper Canada Land Registry Records. After achieving responsible government, however, politicians in Canada West began agitating for true representation by population. It was on this note that the 1850s opened. And the colonial regimes were not very good at either of these. As we shall see, their engagement in industrial enterprises was second to none. Economic features: Industrialization began to flourish in Canada West in the 1870's. https://settlersinthewest.weebly.com/farming-on-the-great-plains.html Here at Geographicus Rare Antique Maps we are passionate collectors and students of historic maps as well as dealers. The assembly itself was to be the most important instrument of this assimilation process. On November 7, 1885, a powerful symbol of unity was completed when Donald Smith (Lord Strathcona), the Scottish-born director of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), drove the last spike. The political heirs of the Parti Patriote — the Parti rouge — did, however, share Grit concerns regarding the emergence of railway politics, a phenomenon involving conservatives and reformers alike. West Canada. Canada West was the western portion of the United Province of Canada from 10 February 1841, to 1 July 1867. British North America at Peace and at War (1763-1818), 7.5 Interwar Years: The Atlantic Colonies, Chapter 8. What does it convey? Figure 11.E2 long description: An aboriginal man and a woman holding a shield stand on each side of the coat of arms. 63% of the population in Canada West was British 28% was French and 9% was First Nations and other small colonies. The colonial administrations were responsible for two things that mattered a great deal to colonists: the nature of land ownership and taxation. It was also one that witnessed innovation, invention, and growing political sophistication. In later years, the former mayor of Toronto was provided with a home for his retirement at 82 Bond Street, between Yonge and Church, just north from Shutter Street — on land which in 1842 was only just surveyed (and which is reputed, by the Toronto tourism industry, to be intensely haunted). In 1803, the entire company was reorganized under Mackenzie's name, but, by the end of 1804, the XY Company had been absorbed by the rival North West Company, the very company the XY had hoped to run out of business. North-West Territories Joins Canada In 1870, Britain transferred control of the North-West Territory to Canada, and was originally governed by Ontario until it was appointed a … Radicals from Canada West were once again led by William Lyon Mackenzie. In Canada, a tax on trade was anathema to merchants while a tax on land was repugnant to farmers; and if the latter were taxed to pay for canals that benefited the former, the political heat was instantly dialled up. Figure 11.12 Records are included for the following dioceses: Records are included for the following archdioceses: 1. The most serious of these raids … A major change to the West in the 1800s was the migration of miners and settlers onto the Great Plains. Canadian History: Pre-Confederation by John Douglas Belshaw is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. What becomes of Canadien quasi-feudalism? This census includes Canada East (Quebec), Canada West (Ontario), New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Some left for Australia during the 1850’s and 1860’s to follow the gold rush in Australia. Holding office and being part of an administration meant securing contracts for construction in one’s constituency and appointing supporters to the few public offices available. The whole is surrounded by a decorative vine motif border. Canada West wanted representation by population and Canada East wanted equal representation? The order that arose from what was essentially a chaotic decade proved durable: these two parties have dominated Canadian politics with few rivals to the present day, and no other party has formed government at the national level. Marriages from the counties of Wentworth, Essex, Lincoln, Middlesex, Wellington, Waterloo, Welland, Haldimand, Lambton, Kent, Oxford, Huron, Norfolk, Brant, Elgin, Perth, Bruce and Grey are included in the index. Brown made clear what he thought the Reformers lacked when he called for a party of “men who are Clear Grit,” meaning morally upstanding and firm. Includes Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and part of Lake Huron with Georgian Bay. These newly minted perspectives found their clearest expression in railways. Engagement in political events was limited in other ways as well. Contains the 1851 census for Québec and Ontario (united as the "Province of Canada") and the independent provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Very good. It peaked in 1849-50 and thereafter remained a fringe movement, even if that fringe did include some of the most powerful people in Montreal and Toronto. Some wear and toning along original centerfold. In 1858, Plains Indians met miners heading towards Colorado in search of gold. Ontario Canada Historical Map Site New December … Toronto Ottawa 3. It was from there that Tory vandals dragged his printing press and threw it into the lake. Radicals found it hard to stomach the moderate reformers who found their economic plans (and personal interests) increasingly aligned with the old enemies. More than that, Macdonald was able to co-opt much of the Reform Party from Canada West and bring them into his party. Toronto Cane map by Schrauwers is in the public domain. Figure 11.E2 Interwoven in his brief statement are the themes of self-determination, self-respect, and, at last, self-ownership. Even two-way partnerships were not enough: a healthy plurality was the best any party alliance could hope for and what a stable government required. Several issues animated political discourse in this decade, but annexationism wasn’t really one of them. The Act of Union was the Province of Canada’s constitution for only 26 years, only half as long as the Constitutional Act of 1791. One of the challenges of studying this decade of colonial politics is the speed with which political leopards changed their spots. Through the 1850s francophones in the assembly were key to making coalitions succeed. The following You Tube link will give a real flavour of the politics in Canada during the 1830’s and puts into context the society that migrants were moving to. Canada West got off to a slower start than Canada … This collection includes Catholic Church records from 1760 to 1923. In 1854 the assembly passed An Act for the Abolition of Feudal Rights and Duties in Lower Canada. Responsibility for formal education and health care — the critical elements of today’s provincial administrations — was small because publicly funded schools and hospitals were few and far between (although that was just starting to change in this period). This is the same Macdonald who, as we know, carried a rifle against the rebels in Upper Canada, now going into political partnership with a man who had fought his way out of the siege of Saint-Denis, laid low for a year, and fled into exile with Durham’s death sentence hanging over his head. The Province of Canada was a 26-year experiment in anglophone-francophone political cooperation. Taxes were highly divisive and the greatest source of recurrent political tensions. Canada West) but it was really just a village. Includes links for Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Please see Terms and Conditions to obtain additional information. The Rebellions of 1837 - The Canadian Encyclopedia The successful candidate reported subsequently that, within minutes, “the usual festivities commenced and being duly cheered by the people [I] was carried to my residence.”[4]  The “people” — the miners and their neighbours and families — were present and involved, but not as voters. The saying that politics makes strange bedfellows certainly applies to Canada in this decade.[1]. First  is the emergence of political parties and coalitions. By 1851, even the bulk of Papineau’s adherents had become more comfortable with the establishment and they built their own coalition with (formerly despised) Reformers. 20th Century Ontario Genealogy Newspaper Notices Index New March 2020. In 1534 he sailed into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, landing at modern-day Gaspé, Quebec.He claimed the land for France and made contact with local aboriginals. 1.4 The Current State of Historical Writing in Canada, Chapter 2. Search: Census of 1851. Upper Canada Land Registry Records. The following databases have been recorded from 1790's through 1870's marriage registers for Upper Canada (Western Ontario.) The extent to which British North Americans were enthusiastic about orthodox and constitutional politics remains in question. Massachusetts - Connecticut - Rhode Island. Second is the stymied attempts at the cultural assimilation of French Canada, and third is the rise of railway politics. William Lyon Mackenzie by Mortadelo2005 is in the public domain. The countryside did not rise up to support the rebels. Their costs and possibilities would continue to inform political life in British North America for the rest of the century. United though the two colonies were, they retained sufficient internal differences and distinctions that one could identify three parties in each of Canada West and Canada East. 20th Century Ontario Genealogy Newspaper Notices Index New March 2020. Figure 11.E1 But they shared some other interests and goals. In these ways the Canadiens were, indeed, assimilated by 1860, not in terms of language or religion (although the anti-clericalism of the Rouges/Liberals was never understated), but in terms of a reorientation away from feudal values to those of a modern, commercial, industrial, and democratic polity.[3]. John A Macdonald in 1858 by Jbarta is in the public domain. We are pleased to share our knowledge and experience with interested individuals and institutions. On Canada's 150th birthday, however, it's worth asking how what we ate in the past made us into who we are today. The declining living and economic conditions of Aboriginal peoples that arose from colonialism became the newcomer societies’ rationale for limiting investment in the welfare of First Nations. Canada West then became Ontario and Canada East became Quebec. She and her brother fled the United States after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law (1850), taking up residence in Windsor, Canada West. The map itself is the work of John Rapkin. Complaints ran throughout this period regarding the inefficiencies of land registration — a key element of any agrarian economy and a source of conflict in the mining sector.

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