I'm afraid we must do whatever necessary to serve the greater good. Your brother's alive. (she produces a holochip and slides it across the table towards Chiana. The crew is temporarily mind-cleansed except the Pilot but they put a collar on him and thus take over Moya to attain the nearest Nebari territorial post. Crichton also remains unaffected due to Scorpius' neural clone. (he swings Rygel, whooping and giggling, up onto his shoulders for a piggyback ride and strides past Aeryn and out as she stands there with her hands folded in front of her looking vaguely suspicious, but mostly just blank) There you go, little buddy! A lot of things have changed since we saw each other last. Look, everybody on board has secrets. Rygel and Varla are seated in the center chamber, sharing a meal. I've never seen anything like it before. Uh, damage assessment? (and she raises her manacled hands over her head in a single fist and makes to attack Varla. 3 stomachs. No, no, D'Argo he's, uh - he's not well? DON'T DO THIS! Hey you got a plan? Chiana: What is this? Meelak: It is his time Chiana. John: Shut up you miserable excuse for a life! John: Chiana - why didn't you tell us about this before? (with Aeryn’s help, Varla manages to touch the device at her temple again, the collar tightens viciously and administers another injection to Pilot. Zhaan: (bitterly) Isn't it obvious, sweet Rygel, that we are no longer cleansed? What the Frell #42 - Liars, Guns and Money, Part 2: With Friends Like These.... What the Frell #41 - Liars, Guns and Money: Part 1: A Not So Simple Plan. (he takes a couple test shots with Wynona but she's too anemic to even knock a bottle of a shelf. I know. Nerri: (he leans close to her and says urgently, a gentle, but bitter rebuke) This is serious this time Chiana! D'Argo: You know it really pains us to do this to you John, but you have left us no other options. WHOA! D'Argo immediately leaps up with a hiss and slams against the cell bars). During ‘A Clockwork Nebari’, it is revealed why the Nebari enforcers keep hunting for Chiana and seeking to interrogate her, which in turn reveals an insidious plot that Nebari High Command instituted to ease their galactic conversion. John fires - but Wynona just flashes and drips a few red sparks. Chiana: (her tone is angry and harsh) BUT I WANT TO HELP! A Clockwork Nebari: lt;p|>|||Farscape||| is a |science fiction television show|. Is everything kewl? She is laying on the ground of some dark place like subway tunnel or underpass on some unknown alien world. Chiana watches him go, knowing her chance to see Nerri has gone with him and she runs to John, sobbing. You're going to get us killed! (and the heavy assault continues), John: (screaming over the chaos) CUT THE CRAP PILOT! 4 years ago | 3.3K views. John: Just - don't argue. Flashing red lights color her pale skin and vehicles pass by adding their transient light to the scene. Pilot: What can we- (but the adrenaline-driven human cuts him off). (he starts to describe the flashes of Scorpius but can't quite get the words out, so skips it) I been having these f-fl- um - forget about that. Vogue. You'll figure that out. Meelak: (cool) Go on. Meelak: (stunned) How could they find us? The story involves the concept of brainwashing in a quasi-dystopic near future. We would not like to lose you. You believe I've been doing something like that? Rygel: I didn't want to disturb the process. "A Clockwork Nebari" The Nebari return for Chiana, and make some shocking revelations along the way... Click here to read the Farscape World review for this episode. No harm will come to you if you cooperate. Chiana: (hopeful and eager) You gotta get me outta here! Aeryn: So if you are not fixing the amnexus conduits, that would mean that you just lied, which would indicate-. (she smiles warmly at him as he shudders and stares at her in horror), (cut to a cell somewhere on Moya. (cut to the Command. Chiana: My brother ? John: Your own people infected you with some kind of - disease. (Varla activates Chiana pain-inducing collar, Chiana chokes and spasms for a moment before Varla releases her). Aeryn: (her smile fading) That's strange. (and at that moment, Aeryn enters, Rygel gasps in horror). She is writhing and gasping in terrible pain, like an addict going trough withdrawal. (Chiana just hands there on her chains and stares into space), D'Argo: Chiana - you must tell us. John: (without pausing to hear whatever is she wants to say - he puts on the surfer dude schtick as he leaves, closing the cell door behind him) Ultra-omnivision man. (he bangs Rygel’s head against the top of the door as they leave). John: (quoting Chiana as he takes a seat in the maintenance section and begins to examine his gun) Yes, yes I know. I'm here to tell you that the Nebari are a bunch of GEEKS! Nebari are humanoid in form, with grey skin and black hair (in males) or white hair (in females). The title to this episode is taken from the 1962 novella A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. You can give it to me later. No problem at all. She's a Leviathan. (John flashes on the calm face of Scorpius/Harvey, speaking an echoed command - "Snap out -snap out - snap out - snap out..." ) Hey! (the machine now proceeds to implant tiny metallic patches onto John's exposed optic nerves) The patches will release a chemical into your neural system. Chiana: It's all right. John: Cool! What did he mean -" the sister"? Nerri doesn't know what he's talking about. Play Sound The episode opens with Moya floating in space as a transport pod with John and Chiana aboard returns from an excursion to a commerce planet. Chiana: The contagion will take control of everybody it's infected. Well - we got no weapons, the DRDs are switched off, and we got to find a way to get D'Argo or Aeryn back on our side. Primary and secondary iriscentent fluid glands ruptured! I can work in peace man. Chiana: That my people were planning to frell over as much of the galaxy as they could? Y'know, Moya’s amnexus conduits are reeeaaally frelled a lot worse than I thought. Hundreds like us. This involves setting long spikes on the collar against Pilots skin. This one looks badly infected. John: OoOoOoh - munchies! I could cyber-manipulate one to appear on the forward portal. Varla: No, maintain course at all costs. So I'm just sorta y'know - lookin' for the source? Ne-ba-ri! All the things I've done as a warrior - all the horrible thoughts I've had all the cycles of my life - even about you - I am so sorry! Chiana: No. Now keep your voice down! Someone has to make the hard wire circuitry connection in Moya’s neural cluster. John: Chiana, everybody else on board has been mind-cleansed. Chiana learns that her brother is alive. John: OH! Chiana: (and she tells her painful and sordid story) Nerri and I escaped Nebari Prime when we were really young. Is like, in flux? He has a Big Stick with him), John: (sing-song) Oh, Ryyy-gelll! Chiana: You gotta give me some time. John takes up the assault on Varla, but is quickly pinned. We've met the Nebari before with their whole cleansing mantra, they were definitely creepy and their methods were clearly wrong, but they didn't necessarily strike me as 'evil'. Nous suivons la vie de Naoto Miura, un lycéen qui fera la rencontre fortuite d’une fille automate. Varla: The treatment will help you by removing all negative impulses. But Varla uses the collar to prevent Chiana from making much headway and she is knocked to the floor. Rygel stares at him and pants for a moment) You mean you're not affected either? (Varla raises a gun and Chiana looks into Aeryn’s blank face) Aeryn - my God! You can "kick, kiss and cry" your way out of any situation. John: PILOT NOW! He's gonna, uh, uh, uh, help me, ah, fix a leak in one of the amnexus conduits? This temporary cleansing is drug-induced. John: (to Varla, he is quite alarmed by his situation) You don't have to do this. John: It's perfect - I got an idea. Meelak: If I help you, then I jeopardize my position and all those that are depending on me. Leave me alone. Meelak and Varla look around, stunned). 1 st US Transmission Date: 15 September 2000 1 st UK Transmission Date: 20 … These are the Nebari! It'd totally screw the pooch babe! We really ought to cut the collar off that Pilot so we can starburst, y'know? He puts his arms around her and escorts her out of the hangar and back into the corridors of Moya. Browse more videos. A Clockwork Nebari. He doesn't want you to get involved with what we're doing. Stop. You embrace it. John screams. Aeryn: Pilot, Varla’s ship had a run in with a Peacekeeper patrol, probably from Scorpius' carrier. Varla calmly touches the device at her temple and Pilots collar tightens, driving the spikes deep into the folds of his hide. (the Peacekeeper attackers vanish and Moya abruptly goes quiet. Where are you my little husky? "A Clockwork Nebari" is a Chiana fan's wet dream. Chiana: Look, you needn't worry, okay? Impact in 3 microts! Chiana: (from where she's sprawled on the floor) Yeah... yeah. Meelak: We don't expect it to have infected entire civilizations. The episode opens with Moya floating in space as a transport pod with John and Chiana aboard returns from an excursion to a commerce planet. We all have secrets. Varla advances upon her - and the chaos, Meelak makes his choice). It shows no outward symptoms. He staggers drunkenly and images of Scorpius/Harvey sitting in an egg-shaped chair lined with blood-red, pop like flashbulbs in his mind). It's for the best. Then cut to Aeryn as she approaches John, who's still working on Wynona, and China, who's sitting and watching him). John: (with a note of quite understandable panic in his voice as the halo settles in closer around his head) Stay the hell away from me! I was looking forward to reaching the Nebari outpost. (he makes to nonchalantly move away), John: Oh 3 stomachs! Meelak: (gently) Shh - If Varla hears you, we'll all be frelled. (Rygel grunts, perplexed by all this mechanic stuff. (in the long moment of silence that follows as Chiana and John gaze at Aeryn and Rygel, perplexed, Chiana notices the ex-PK has no gun in her thigh holster). Pilot: (frantically) They're firing! I don't think the mind cleansing is working- (horrified by Rygel’s betrayal and overcome by a moment of fury, John delivers a vicious backhand across Rygel’s face, silencing him). You have to choose! Pilot: Ah! Pongalo NovelaClub . Chiana: (grinding out the words with blinding hatred) You're - not - using - me - AGAIN! John: And Aeryn and Rygel had to stay behind to cover our asses. He called you "the sister." Pass me some more plexus cable! Don't-don't do that! Chiana: What? Hey - maybe we should double his dose! John: (under his breath, to Chiana) Good luck. Proceed. Nebari are humanoid in form, with grey skin and black hair (in males) or white hair (in females). But since when do people like us get what we want? Now we look toward the future. John: (as Moya takes another hit from the Command Carriers frag cannon and they are thrown about again) WHOA! John: Best if you hid until all my violent thoughts had been wiped? D'Argo's probably in the spin cycle right now. I warn you, do not test me. Today, in a new show, I'd wonder whether one of the scriptwriters is a … How you doin'? Pilot: (cut briefly to him in his Den as he breaks in via comm) Crichton! So do we. Crichton must work together with Pilot and Rygel, quickly recovered due to his fast metabolism, against the rest of the crew to rid Moya of the Nebari intruder. Pilot: (screaming with panic) I CANNOT! D'Argo: (he stands with his hands pressed prayerfully together in front of him, His eyes glisten and he has trouble speaking, being close to tears, so overwhelmed is her by his rebirth in the Nebari mind-cleansing machine) Um - it's true John. Whoa! John: What happens when you get to the outpost Buckwheat? John, looking dazed for real, pulls himself up far enough to peek over the edge of a table at the main view port, just in time to see a staticky image of Crais appear - his message skips a bit as he says-), Crais: Attention Leviathan. (and with that he selects a container and uses the stick to send it flying. Uh, I was jus' yellin' for Rygel? Good idea, man. Varla: You will thank us after treatment. Are you still angry at me? Hullo, LJ has been trying to hide my posts from my flist (related to my upcoming birthday? Me. They have a vanguard of a full Peacekeeper Command Carrier. Aeryn stands nearby, she now wears a banded collar around her neck. GTA 5 Next-Gen Release Date Kofi Kingston Pins WWE Champion Masters of the Universe First-Look (cut to soon after - in Moya’s transport hangar as Chiana and John debark from the pod. Look - I just wanted you to know that I'm alive and well. I'm sick of having you sell us out every chance you get! Rygel’s not mind-cleansed! He then stands back, pacing a little as he listens with interest to the conversation). Pilot: (resentfully) And I am restrained from starburst upon penalty of death! 2.18 A C'lockwork Nebari #Farscape #A Clockwork Nebari #EYES #THE EYES THE EYES WATCH OUT FOR THE EYES #no one loves you Nebari go away #we only like Chiana #the rest o' y'all are messed up #also that is a Hella great scream Chiana issues at the start there #the beginning scene when they realise Aeryn and Rygel have been cleansed is the best bit #so ominous #also Gigi Edgley is A+ Then cut to the transport hangar as Meelak, an attractive young Nebari man, enters and greets Varla who is waiting for him . (she loses it and in a passionate rage, charges Varla, but is stopped and restrained by Aeryn) I'M NEVER GOING HOME! Her brother, Nerri enters and comes to look after her). A Clockwork Nebari A Nebari group come aboard Moya and attempt to mind cleanse everyone using a drug. Varla: (with a big smile) Mmm! (and at that moment , Aeryn and D'Argo enter). John: (over his shoulder) Hey, Ryg! Aeryn: (reassuringly) It's all right John. Another thing: as with the Durka episode, A Clockwork Orange is an obvious influence on the Nebari mind cleansing concept, but the addendum here of the Nebari using bio weapons and letting their people (unwittingly) spread a virus today feels different from when the show was originally broadvcast for obvious reasons. Chiana, D'Argo and John are being held there. (she begins thrashing wildly against her restraints and John takes her in him arms). Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. With a wild scream she charges Varla, who slams her to the floor with savage effortlessness before turning back to John and continuing her vengeful assault on him - but before she can get far - shots are fired - by Meelak, into Varla’s back), Meelak: And you have betrayed the spirit of our people. It's only meant for aliens. Browse more videos. Chiana: (pulling herself together) No. Rygel: (all perky sunshine) OH! No signup or install needed. HEY! "A Clockwork Nebari" Rowan Woods: Lily Taylor: September 15, 2000 () (US) November 20, 2000 () (UK) #10217: Moya is hijacked by two Nebari who administer a mind-cleansing drug to the entire crew, and plan on taking Chiana back to Nebari Prime. (he steps away from her, having calmed her and drawn a line. (he walks on and Chiana heaves a big sigh). Aeryn: (approaching him) No, I think we all need to go and see Varla. You know we barely got your ass out of there before that guy and his buddies turned nasty. PREPARE FOR IMPACT! John: Chiana! Just fine. Stop! (she delivers John a jolt through his collar) You see Meelak, discipline and faith defeat any insurgence. I cannot out-turn it. (the image magnifies abruptly and the screen is filled with a close-up of the ships frag cannon) Whoa. Varla: Your brother - is very much alive. Rygel and Aeryn return from a planet to Moya accompanied by another Nebari who aims to take Chiana back. Varla: You will tell us where he is, or we will simply use you to bring him out of hiding. What are you talking about? John: We would starburst away from your rendezvous point- you foul skank. D'Argo: But I finished adjusting the amnexus conduits myself less than an arn ago. He needs help! They're coming!") Chiana: (sick and desperate) I'm coming with you. (we're ashamed of you Rygel. John: Hey! John: (stopping) Chiana, my little trollop, he will care. Aeryn: (blandly as she works, affixing the sections of the collar to him) We need your cooperation Pilot. I hope not,) so if you're here for recs, do consider scrolling down and checking whether you saw the last post. Aeryn: It's hard to believe that Chiana could jeopardize your efforts. (they stare at each other for a moment) What? Meelak: (bowing his head to her) My Guide - I came as soon as I received your signal. John enters, status post mind cleansing. This entire Peacekeeper experience? Nerri: No. Aeryn & D'Argo: (like a pair of clockwork toys) Mind-cleansed. That's-that's what we're good at! I thought - I thought you were- were-. "Farscape" A Clockwork Nebari subtitles. Chiana learns that her brother is alive. (in response - cut to soon after - in Pilots Den, he groans and struggles against Aeryn, who has crawled up behind him where he can't quite reach, and is fitting a collar around his neck as well. The government gave us exit permits. I don't know what you're suggesting, but I'm not angering these people! Varla: (extolling the virtues of Nebari mind-cleansing) It is the ultimate gift Chiana. We're less conspicuous if we split up. Thank you so much for your concern. He convulses and drools as he forces out the name of the substance being pumped into his body by the collar) Bisaric acid! Chiana: (dully ignoring him) Get out of here. Well, how do you suppose I-I get Varla to Command? Slow down or something? John: No! Hey! A complex array of clamps has pulled his eyelids and the skin around his eyes back so that the entire orb is visible in its socket and staring , doll-like at more hardware poised in front of his vulnerable peepers). And they also have a spy to thank for unexpected help. Nerri: (Chiana chokes and spasms as he cradles her) I c-couldn't- I couldn't believe it either, but I lived through it. Chiana: (with a confused smile) I don't get it. Tell him D'Argo. (he laughs wickedly). Lots of help! Aeryn: Please do so Pilot. Varla: She is, and we must honor our fallen shipmates and deliver her as soon as possible. She isn't even remotely dangerous to anyone but herself. DIRECTIONAL STABILIZERS VAPORIZED. 'Cos Crichton sure isn't holding back. Chiana: (straining furiously at her chains) Leave them alone! Varla: All is forgiven if it is in the service of the greater good. Having used up Rygel’s first Usual Hangout, John is searching the cargo bays. (cut to Chiana who has been returned to the prison cell and her chains. Meelak: Exactly what do you want the Hynerian to help you do Crichton? Chiana: (she calls John's gun by the pet name he has given it) You're just crying because Wynona jammed! WHOA! Rygel: (his normal voice is returning as he shouts) Crichton! John: I don't know, but you're a smart girl. His mouth gapes in silent agony) Please, do as I ask, and I won't have to use the collar again. Pilot: (he glares balefully at John as he lurches towards the Console and snarls) If you've also come to tell me what a wonderful thing the Nebari are doing for you I AM NOT INTERESTED! I've got something of great urgency to tell you. We must get to the outpost. DO YOU HEAR ME! John: (surfer dude) Hey, Varla? Crichton who is not affected by mind-cleansing thanks to Scorpius' chip, makes Chiana reveal the reason she is being chased: she knows of her people's plot to infect the galaxy with a deadly contagion. John: (sounding weary and glad to be home) Pilot, I'm bringing Miss Kitty back from the OK Corral. (soon after, cut to John hunting for Rygel - obviously the determination of the human is a worthy match for the Hynerians treachery. He gives it up) You know, you don't have to kill her! He's alive. Meelak: The Establishment has sent out many messengers like you and Nerri, spreading the contagion for nearly 20 cycles. Meelak: Do we have any capability of outrunning this pursuer? Our sensors detect the presence aboard your vessel of a Nebari Star Runner which we have been pursuing. Pilot: (cut to him in his Den as he speaks) It has been half an arn Crichton. John: (alarmed) HEY! You know our secret, we know yours. Rygel: (offering his food to Chiana - which is just too weird) Please - take my plate. Your food doesn't taste good? D'Argo has been removed and Chiana and John are trying unsuccessfully to Houdini their way out of their bonds). Chiana: Through carnal contact. Threaten me with that. D'Argo: (with blissful reverence) I've never felt any better. Rygel and Aeryn return from a planet to Moya accompanied by another Nebari who aims to take Chiana back. Crichton and Chiana return from a planet, where Chiana had used her "talents" to gain information about the slave auctions where D'Argo's son is believed to be. Rygel: (clearly enjoying this very much) As long as it takes for the mind-cleansing to wear off? It's inappropriate. Any other life course only leads to pain and suffering. (he dog-whistles) Where are ya boy? John: (he climbs over the Console and makes to exit as Pilot watches) Well keep cussin' man. (she makes a quiet, bitter, laugh and then whispers silkily, in imitation of Varla’s smooth, even tone) My brother's dead.

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