21 of 45. In celebration of this glorious day they ate a dish of stinky fish referred to in Egypt as fesikh. Depending on your personal view, ancient Rome was responsible for giving the modern world a number of traditions, including various legal ideas, democracy, and some of our religious celebrations. Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in the history of the world. To our great ancestors, fish in general, among other things, represented the prosperity and fertility that spring brought along. Herodotus' description tells a lot more about ancient Greece than about the Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians masturbated into the Nile River. Others throw a baby’s recently liberated tooth on their roofs. The civilization of Ancient Egypt was located along the Nile River in northeast Africa. The Druid Ritual of Oak and Mistletoe Bloodletting probably began with the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians, but it didn’t become common practice until … Herodotus on Egyptian customs. However, there are still many ancient Roman traditions that are slightly obscure, mostly relegated to the dustbin of history. Everyday items such as paper, keys, and locks were invented in Ancient Egypt. 1) Most Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs (rulers of Ancient Egypt) and their families. The Nile was the source of much of the Ancient Egypt… The mead that resulted was probably pretty cloudy and thick with remnants of bread left over after straining. According to the ancient Egyptians, Sham El Nessim marks the official beginning of spring. Sex and love . The ancient Egyptians did mead way before any Europeans tried it out. In fact, there were a number of board games like Mehen and Mancala but most popular was Senet. The ancient Egyptians had an elaborate set of funerary practices that they believed were necessary to ensure their immortality after death. 1. Akhenaten, considered by many as a heretic Pharaoh, was the ruler responsible for taking ancient Egypt towards an entirely different religious lifestyle, trying to reconstruct religion departing from traditional ancient Egyptian polytheism. Facts about Ancient Egyptian Medicine 8: Respiratory problems. In particular, the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and the Celts were classified as Pagans and their religious rituals were seen as weird, often because they were! It was believed by the people that the ebb and flow of the Nile was originated by their god of creation’s ejaculation. In the tiny South Pacific island of Pentecost, boys as young as five years old engage in a tradition that can be best described as the ancient precursor to modern day's bungee jumping. Egypt's culture and history date back thousands of years to the times of the ancient Pharaohs. I can approach him by day, by night.”. The only internal organ that was not removed was the heart because Ancient Egyptians considered it to be the seat of the soul. Herodotus offers a strange description: everything is the reversal of a custom that existed in Greece.The explanation is that the ancient Greeks believed that the barbarians on the edges of the earth were the opposite of the civilized people in the middle of the terrestrial disk. Bruno’s Egyptian religion has little to do with the Egyptian religion dug up by archaeologists in the last two centuries. Social history ... All three scripts were used to write the same ancient Egyptian language. To date, over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. Ancient Egypt for Kids. The ancient Egyptians enjoyed passing their time playing board games. These rituals included mummifying the body, casting magic spells, and burials with specific grave goods thought to be needed in the afterlife.. 7 Unusual Ancient Medical Techniques. The Ancient Egyptians didn't invent mummification. Some of these still live on today, while others are more modern, they are all however totally amusing. The fact that the River Nile happens all the time ebbs and flows, and it was believed that … During the celebration of the religious holiday Thaipusam, Hindus declare their devotion to Lord Murugan by piercing various parts of their bodies. Public masturbation ceremonies in Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs practitioners public masturbation. In ancient Egypt, religious ties were strong and supernatural forces were to be worshipped and pleased. They weren’t kinky or exhibitionists; rather, they believed the god Atum created the world by pleasuring himself, so to honor him they would do the same at the banks of the river, as well as hoping their love juice continued to course through the water. To wear an … It was a hieroglyphic board game played in ancient Egypt as far back as 3100 BC. Along with King Tut, perhaps no figure is more famously associated with ancient Egypt than Cleopatra VII. So all those movie scenes with a mummy stumbling behind you, … Out of all […] Egypt’s history is rich and diverse. But tuberculosis was very common. Ever since European archaeologists began excavating in Egypt in the 18th and 19th centuries CE, the ancient culture has been largely associated with death.Even into the mid-20th century CE reputable scholars were still writing on the death-obsessed Egyptians whose lives were lacking in play and without joy. Image source. Egyptian society has believed in superstitions ever since the time of ancient Egypt, which many believe was the one of the first civilizations to hold strong superstitious beliefs. The great culture of ancient Egypt flourished between 5500 BC and 30 BC. That was the period that witnessed the rise of technology till the death of the Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt Cleopatra VII. The coughing could be reduced by drinking a mixture of herbs and honey. Similarly to ancient Zoroastrians, today, about 80% of Tibetan Buddhists still choose traditional “sky burials.” This Buddhist ritual has been observed for thousands of years and it differs from the Iranian/Indian rituals because the deceased were/are chopped up into small pieces and fed to birds, rather than being ‘left’ for the birds. They made their mead by using yeasty bread that was baked at a temperature that allowed the yeast to remain active. Sexuality in Ancient Egypt is a subject to be approached with caution. Norms in regard to sexual behavior cannot be looked at with our Western understanding of sexual identity as many cultures, both past and present, do not create categories based on the same things we do. 1. 3. Here are 20 traditions from across the world will make you go WTF. In the ancient world, a Pagan was anyone who worshiped gods that were different from those worshiped by the Romans and the Greeks before them. – Akhenaten. The tradition of celebrating New Year started over 3,000 years ago during the Shang Dynasty. It lasted for over 3000 years from 3150 BC to 30 BC. 15 Of The Strangest Customs From Ancient Rome. Mummies in dark, labyrinthine tombs, strange rituals performed by dour priests, and … Facts about Ancient Egypt. Sure, the ancient people, at times, had strange traditions and rituals with strange laws and rules, but there was also advanced innovation and technological intelligence that never ceases to astonish us. 1. The sand in Egypt was the main cause. Ancient Egyptians built a civilization that still astonishes the entire world– even after 7000 years. The Romans indeed led the way in the race to develop the most elaborate and, by our modern standards, weird and shocking rituals and customs. According to Huffington Post article from last year, celebrating birthdays is a tradition that dates back all the way to ancient Egypt. Some of the gods included Hapi, god of the Nile; Ra, the sun god; and Osiris, god of the underworld. Cleopatra was not Egyptian. Hindu Thaipusam Festival Piercings. Please let me know if you know of others that belong here. Ancient Egypt was obsessed with jerking off! In order to frighten the hungry beast, the villagers took to decorating their homes with red trimmings, burning bamboo and making loud noises. The origins of many Egyptian festivals today originally dates […] An ancient legend tells that Nian, a bloodthirsty creature used to prey on villages every New Year. The renegade seventeenth-century Italian monk Giordano Bruno harked back to Egypt as a way of reviving and purifying the degenerate Christianity of his time. One of the most common diseases was the Respiratory problems. Weird and wonderful . So here are a few facts about ancient civilizations, some of which are just plain weird while the others are utterly sophisticated and cultured. Discover facts about Ancient Egypt below or skip to our facts about modern-day Egypt. 2. Egyptian Customs are bound to have a preponderance in any society which is guided by religion. The Indus is the largest-known ancient urban culture, with the people's land stretching from the Indus River in modern-day Pakistan to the Arabian Sea and the Ganges in India. Do pharaohs of ancient Egypt was an unusual ritual when Pharaoh masturbated and ejaculated into the Nile. Unwrapped, the bandages of an Ancient Egyptian mummy could stretch for 1.6km. Ancient Egyptian Medicine. 2. 20 of 45. But the ritual of blowing out the candles on your cake and making a wish can be traced back to Germany. Teeth tossing in Greece: Some cultures pop children’s teeth under their pillows and wait for a swap with cold hard cash by a fairy. Read that again. Here are ten of the most bizarre traditions from around the world that will make your jaw drop! We can see such an amazing period today depicted in the great monuments which celebrated the triumphs of the great rulers and honored the gods of the land. After baking, they would then crumble the bread into vats filled with water, allowing it to ferment. Egypt touched the minds of occultists in other ways as well. Each force was represented by a god. We can thank many civilizations, including the ancient Greeks and Romans for things like candles and cakes. 10. The evil eye is a remnant from the very dawn of civilisation, harking back to some of humanity’s most enduring and profound beliefs. In a world with so many countries, religions, tribes and customs, it is impossible for everyone to like everything. 8. There is a lot more to ancient Egyptians than just building the pyramids and the Sphinx; they progressed in medicine and several other scientific fields. “There is only one God, my father. Egyptian Board Games. I have gathered 25 seemingly strange, crazy or mad traditions from around the world.

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