March 12-14 Reserved Retreat. To learn why Lent … It is a maxim of Ignatian spiritualty to use whatever helps you to come closer to God, and leave aside anything that is not helpful. Our Lent Retreat includes scripture and prayer material, art and music to pray with and other prayer resources to help you deepen your faith. Retreats > Foster a daily practice of spiritual calm where God is at the center. The first thing Inigo would want to tell us is this: ‘Don’t follow me. It has confronted us with the question of whether we want to go back to how things were, or to ‘grow back better’. This form of prayer is often called the Examen, or simply Review of the Day and Inigo urged his companions never to neglect it even if they had no time for any other form of prayer. Or come along and join us for a … With the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, the Seventeenth Annual National Archon Lenten Retreat of the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, was held on Saturday, April 3, 2021. Lenten Retreat 2021 Into Your Hands, Father Thank You! Search for: Recent Posts. His name is Ignatius Loyola, but I prefer to call him simply Inigo. As you journey, you might also find it helpful to keep your own notes, in the form of a journal or diary, noting what is especially firing your heart and capturing your attention, what grace the week has brought you and how you have been challenged or encouraged. © 2021 University of San Diego. Sandra T. Montes, EdD (Editor, Lenten Meditations 2021), is the author of Becoming REAL and Thriving in Ministry. For what are you most grateful? We invite you to join us this Lent to prepare to commemorate the Lord’s Passion, Death and the celebration of His Resurrection at Easter. A ministry of the Catholic School of Evangelization. 2021 Lent. log in to Cascade CMS, Franciscan School of Theology (Affiliation), Awaken, Restore, Renew: A First Year Day of Reflection. (619) 260-4600 The retreat also … The season of Lent … Some people may prefer to do this using a sketchpad and images instead of words. However I would like to introduce you to a particular fellow pilgrim who will be accompanying us on our Lenten journey this year. April 4, 2021 – Easter Sunday; April 3, 2021 – Holy Saturday Online Carmelite Retreat 2021 Lent with St. Teresa of Avila Dear friends, here we are once again to invite you to experience this Lent in a spirit of communion through an online retreat prepared … The season of Lent … 2021 VIRTUAL LENTEN … The retreat … This doesn’t have to be a work of literature – in fact it shouldn’t be – but just your own honest feelings about where your prayer is leading you. Sacred Space Retreat - Lent 2021: We have all just come through a year like no other in living memory, and now we have arrived in a new year, carrying all the hopes and dreams of a new beginning, but also the many fears and troubles of the year just passed. ‘Transformation’, we might well think, is not for us little people. Simply bring it all into prayer, without judging yourself, or anyone else, and ask for the light of the Holy Spirit to show you whatever God wants you to see. « How Can We Celebrate the Season of Lent in Covid Time? 2020 has challenged us, individually and collectively, in ways no-one could have imagined. As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 20 different talks on prayer, on who God is — and what that means for you, the season of Lent… Pope Francis' 2021 Lenten Message: “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18) Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love. It doesn’t matter – he won’t hold that against you. Jan 27, 2021 | Latest News, Lent & Holy Week |. We have all just come through a year like no other in living memory, and now we have arrived in a new year, carrying all the hopes and dreams of a new beginning, but also the many fears and troubles of the year just passed. March 4 Lenten Day of Prayer >Register. The years 2020 and 2021 have presented many challenges to churches around the world. Time for Prayer: Ideally you should be able to find a time to pray with the Scripture or other material daily; anything from 15 minutes to an hour a day, whatever you find helps you. Mary and Elizabeth open their hearts to one another as they gather for mutual support and talk about all God is doing in their lives. In the beginning, we recall, the Spirit hovered not over order but over chaos, bringing forth a new creation. It has challenged us to reflect on what kind of people we truly desire to become and what kind of world we hope to pass on to future generations. Preview – Abide in His Heart – Lent Retreat 2021 admin – Father Joe Laramie SJ – February 9, 2021 Join us for a virtual Lenten retreat, “Abide in His Heart,” as we journey through Lent, … The Visitation (Luke 1:39-56) is a wonderful image of spiritual friendship. From earliest times Christianity has … (Luke 18:41). May these weeks of Lent lead us all ever closer to God, to each other and to all God’s creatures, and to the deep and sacred source of our own being. Actually the very opposite is the truth. Living Lent Daily. Thank you to all those who signed up and joined us for our Lenten Retreat! The blind man asked that he might see again. Choose the speed the daily prayer fades between stages, Jamendo CD - 'Journey' Artist = Omega, track 16 (Easing), Madeleine Doherty: CD - 'Inner Music' CD1 No 2 (Heartsong) Instrumental harp music based on Madeline's meditations. March 11 Lenten Day of Prayer >Register. Ali Roach rsm: The Cross of Christ. Our two-day retreat had such an overwhelmingly positive … Calendar of Retreats “2021 Retreat Theme: Fear Not: I Am With You Always” ... Women’s Weekend Retreat >Register. Ali Roach rsm (ISMAPNG) was the Grassroots Ministry contributor to MGP Segment Three, Theme … What a blessing! Use this flexible kit to help you and your people live our Lent, Easter, and Pentecost differently, whether as a full-day retreat, parish meeting, morning or evening of reflection, parish mission, youth event, or more. Saints and heroes do transformation, not humble pilgrims on a rocky road. February 17-March 24, 2021 What is the Lenten Journey? Living Lent … Is there anything that, on reflection, you wish you had done differently, or not done at all? University of San Diego April 02, 2021. This isn’t a blow-by-blow re-run of the day, but simply a matter of relaxing into God’s presence and recalling what has most moved you, challenged you, disturbed or consoled you. Home > Click here to register. Lenten Retreat 2021 Evaluation “Encountering the God who Loves You.” _____ 2 | P a g e 6. The Gregorian University Foundation is pleased to offer our friends an opportunity to deepen your Lenten prayer and draw closer to Jesus Christ through an online Lenten retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. It gives us a kind of spiritual toolkit to help us make the Gospel journey in very practical, accessible ways. Each of us has our own personal role to play in the great story of transformation. We are making this journey personally, but we are also making it together as the human family. It's really three retreat … If we go over this stile and embrace this invitation to transformation, we will discover that the path leads us first through the kind of upheaval we are all experiencing in our times, but also holds out the promise of a very new and different tomorrow. Date/Time February 20, 2021 - February 21, 2021 - 10:00 am - 11:00 am. A five-week journey of faith taken with a spiritual guide who accompanies you with shared prayer, attentive listening, gentle … Welcome to the Pray More Lenten Retreat! 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego, CA 92110 The retreat for 2021 is from Ash Wednesday, 17th February to Sunday 11th April. Ignatian spirituality is completely Christ-centred and Gospel-guided. Contact Us. It was wonderful to hear how it impacted you. We have all just come through a year like no other in living memory, and now we have arrived in a new year, carrying all the hopes and dreams of a new beginning, but also the many fears and troubles of the year just passed. Lenten Series Virtual Retreat. Resources for Holy Week 2021. What is not always realised is that Inigo was a lay person when he was making this momentous, and ultimately world-changing journey and formulating his Exercises. Stock image. March 4, 11, 18, 2021 Virtual only – not in person in 2021. Resources for Holy Week. March 18 Lenten … This list of 40 new Ideas to make the forty days of Lent a life-changing experience is based on the list of Lenten ideas found in a book by Marcellino D’Ambrosio (Dr. Italy) Forty Days, Forty Ways: A New Look at Lent (Servant, 2014). Pope Francis' 2020 Lenten Message: “We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20) Pope Francis' 2019 Lenten … SINSINAWA, Wis.—Spend Lent with the life and teachings of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton through Sinsinawa Mound Center’s Lenten … All rights reserved. With the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, the Seventeenth Annual National Archon Lenten Retreat … They have guided many millions of spiritual searchers through the intervening ages and they resonate deeply and remarkably with 21st century psychology and spirituality. Michael Payyapilly VC | Divine Australia | Holy Family Church, Doveton, Australia Upheaval, it turns out, is the catalyst for change. Jesus once asked a blind man: ‘What do you want me to do for you? New Resources for Lent (17 February-3 April) from Mercies & Other Sources. March 04, 2021 Last Saturday we held our annual Lenten retreat, on the theme “Man does not live on bread alone” (Matthew 4:4). So experience an individually guided retreat at home or in your favourite location, use one of our Scripture based themed retreats to get to know Christ or his mother better. It opens up ways of reflecting on where we find ourselves in our relationship with God, and how we might begin to walk more closely in the footsteps of Jesus, learning from him, like apprentices, seeking to internalise his values and wisdom into our own lives. The retreat has 6 speakers featuring 20 video talks on topics that can help you have a more meaningful Lent. As you spend time with the scripture text suggested for each session, use any form of prayer that helps you – perhaps the prayer of the listening heart (lectio divina), or perhaps imagining yourself present at a particular scene (imaginative meditation) and opening your heart to whatever God wishes to reveal to you. Robert Capone ( or call 619-260-7419. Click on the English or Spanish Lenten booklet to download your copy., Choose music to play during the daily prayer, Choose the size of the text for your daily prayer. Sign up for daily emails Follow the Retreat … Transformation happens, one pilgrim at a time, step by painful step, precisely on the rocky roads of life. This retreat is an online self-paced retreat that you can do anytime, anywhere. We had good reflections on the search that we all have for meaning in our lives and how Lent … Lenten Journey 2021: Spiritual Friendship. DOWNLOAD THE POSTER LENTEN RETREAT POSTER 2021 v12345 Be Drawn to Christ. Follow the One I follow’. A five-week journey of faith taken with a spiritual guide who accompanies you with shared prayer, attentive listening, gentle challenge and good counsel. Think about how you would respond to this question yourself. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the video presentations: Length: 1-Unhelpful 2-Somewhat Helpful 3-Neutral 4-Helpful 5 … Above all it will ask us the searching question: ‘What is Love asking of you now, in the place, time and circumstances in which you find yourself?’. Here is some of the feedback … Introduction: Lent Retreat 2021. You may already be very familiar with him, or perhaps you may never have heard of him. Please email Fr. We want to thank each of you who tuned in for our 2021 Virtual Lenten Retreat led by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. March 2021. LENT 2021 – RCIA ideas for a parish retreat. Tuesday Liturgy 1 Ash Wednesday 2021 ». People of any, or no, religious tradition are welcome on the journey, as are those who have experience with prayer and those ready to meet God for the first time. We could see the experience of 2020 as a particularly difficult stile we have had to climb, as we move from the field of all that is past to the field of all that we can become. We will be using this toolkit extensively during our retreat. Inigo fought his own battles with the challenge of transformation, half a millennium ago, and he was inspired to make notes about his inner journey with its many gifts and graces, but also its times of temptation and despair. These notes formed the basis of his Spiritual Exercises. Tamara Plummer is the Program Officer, Asset Recognition, at Episcopal Relief & … Where has God been in the day’s events? Lenten series reflects on Day, Merton life and teachings. LENTEN RETREAT 2021 - Thursday 11, 6:30 PM (AEDT) - DAY ONE - Fr. Due to the continued concerns over Covid-19, we have decided to do all of the Lenten Days of Prayer virtually, not in person, via Zoom. Lenten Journey 2021: Spiritual Friendship, click to - Taking some time each day (perhaps 10-15 minutes) to look back over how the day has been. The Lenten Journey 2021: Spiritual Friendship is open to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff. The cultivation of the spiritual dimension of friendship can broaden our social circles and deepen our relationships at a time when we feel restricted by signs with messages such as, “avoid contact.” Inspirational themes such as “relational virtues” and “the two arms of charity” will inform our conversations, realizing that renewed relationships can contribute to the revitalization of society. The journey will take us, as it did him, into the darkest places of Holy Week and then beyond them to the joy of a new dawn at Easter. One of the ways it presented an opportunity to our parish was that we had the idea to bring in a real … Lent 2021 Video Series: ‘Prayer in Motion' Join us on a Lenten journey about the transformative power of prayer… Beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17 , and continuing through Easter Sunday, April 4 , … Weekly Meeting: The idea of this retreat … Part 1 of our Be Renewed in Christ Lenten Retreat led by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal February 19 – March 26, 2021 Rolling Lent Retreat A Self-Led Retreat for Families Sunday, February 21 ~ 2:00 - 4:00 pm In the Gathering Space Cost: $10/family -- Make a Resurrection Garden: $10 Lenten … The season of Lent gives us a heaven-sent opportunity to reflect prayerfully on our recent experience and the difficulties and the possibilities it has set before us. As you take these issues into prayer Inigo would urge you to shape a daily prayer routine that works for you, and includes: - Reflecting on what you are asking of God today – what gift or grace do you especially seek? Perhaps you too are seeking clearer vision in some aspect of your life? Three great themes run through the Sunday readings for Lent this year: the exodus, the justice and mercy of God, and the paschal mystery (the saving significance of Jesus’ death and … The Gospel gives us both a vision and a map for this journey. Deadline is February 12, 2021. The retreat for 2021 is from Ash Wednesday, 17th February to the First Sunday of Easter, 11th April. 17th February to 24th March 2021 LENTEN RETREAT “Be drawn to Christ”.

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