He reprised his role of Eric in the sequel The Divergent Series: Insurgent, which began filming May 2014 and was released 20 March 2015. Jai Courtney as Hugh ‘Cup’ Cuppernell Garrett Hedlund as John Fitzgerald Alex Russell as Pete Zamperini Maddalena Ischiale as Louise Zamperini … Frank A. Tinker. Follow us: TRENDING. JC: I was familiar with the book and had heard that Angelina Jolie wanted to make a movie about Louis … Maddalena Ischiale. Vincenzo Amato. March 15, 2014 BY: Ruben V. Nepales. Ahead of the May 14 release of Angelina Jolie‘s Unbroken, Universal Sony provided us with this interesting interview with Australian star Jai Courney, who plays the role of Hugh “Cup” Cuppernell in the film.. Q: How did you get introduced to this incredible story and project? Louise Zamperini. Filmen om den fantastiske olympiern och krigshjälten Louis ”Louie” Zamperini som, tillsammans med två besättningsmän, överlevde 47 dagar i en flotte efter att deras plan blivit nedskjutet under andra världskriget – bara för att därefter bli tillfångatagna av den japanska flottan och skickade till ett interneringsläger. Original title Unbroken. John Magaro. Also from this series: Unbroken: Path to Redemption Synopsis. Hugh 'Cup' Cuppernell. Cinehub is not hosting or uploading any copyrighted content or media of any kind, we only store links to third-party websites that carry their own legal responsibility for their content. Miller. Don’t miss out on the latest news and information. Anthony Zamperini. I was asked personally to join a group of men who needed some new crew members, so I happily accepted. After landing safely at Funafuti Airfield, 1st Lt Charleton 'Hugh' Cuppernell co-pilot aboard B-24D "Super Man" 41-23938 looks through a Japanese 20mm cannon shell hole in the fuselage over Nauru on April 20, 1943 Credit: USAAF, 7th AF, 11th BG, 98th BS Date: April 20 1943 B&W High Resolution Version Acquire This Image | . Jai Courtney (Hugh "Cup" Cuppernell) A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II. Luke Treadaway. Jai played WW2 pilot, Hugh 'Cup' Cuppernell in Unbroken which was filmed in Australia and directed by the award winning actress. 2 actors praise Angelina Jolie as director. Not many women are allowed behind a gun in a plane, but I guess I'm a rarity. Hugh Cuppernell Columns. Contribute Information A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II. Later, he starred in Unbroken, where he played Hugh "Cup" Cuppernell and The Water Diviner as Lt. Col. Hughes. A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II. Fanfiction Realistic Unbroken Commander John Fitzgerald Hugh Cup Cuppernell Louise Zamperini Francis Mac Mcnamara Garrett Hedlund.
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