Credit: Alexander Nie. Sorry for the typo. When I was a kid, we needed to save the planet from the manmade New Ice Age caused by soot and emissions from oil and coal fired power plants. If you do not have an other agenda then read her work over and over till it sinks in. Pretty much kills the man made "climate change" hoax. Approximately every 11 years, the Sun’s geographic poles change their magnetic polarity. The winter cold wave will not prove the sun is on low. Under the impact of remnants of Cyclonic Storm "Tauktae" and Western Disturbance, the Indian capital Delhi recorded 60 mm (2.36 inches) of rainfall from 08:30 to 20:30 LT on May 19, 2021 -- its highest 24-hour rainfall for the month of May since May 24,... Siberia has started seeing the first forest fires of 2021 this May as wildfires that have not been extinguished since last summer rekindle, becoming the so-called 'zombie' fires. The 11-year solar cycle is actually a complex beast, and it's not the only cycle the Sun experiences. Submitted by Keith Strong on October 13, 2020 - 1:40pm. And we DIDN'T see run away global warming. Submitted by Jenefer Dominguez on August 12, 2016 - 11:10pm. Both solar flares and CMEs can cause auroras. Particularly using calculations. Example: A BP Solar 80W solar panel has a rated output current of 4.55 Amps and a rated short circuit current of 4.8 Amps. Because the Sun’s gases are constantly moving, the magnetic materials constantly gets tangled, stretched, and twisted. Zharkova demonstrates that recent progress with the understanding of the role of solar background magnetic field in defining solar activity and with quantifying the observed magnitudes of the magnetic field at different times enabled reliable long-term prediction of solar activity on a millennium timescale. My shortwave reception is in the toilet. Stratospheric aerosols (eg - from volcanic eruptions) reflect sunlight back into space, causing cooling. OSIRIS-REx and the Origin of Life - Nov 12, 2020. The idea that our tiny carbon footprint could compare to the massive amounts of co2 produced annually by volcanic activity around the world is arrogant and borderline psychotic. In my state we have not seen a white Christmas in five years, five years. It's annual budget must be approved by the President -- Under Trump NASA was going back to the Moon and then Mars -- Under Biden and Obama NASA is back to funding projects that support the green agendas. She is a Professor from the Ukraine who works in Somewhere other than NASA. I have been following this research for months know. It sickens me to see these kids fresh out of college falling for this bunk. Submitted by Old Gezer on April 25, 2015 - 12:16pm. I had plenty of work while there were no sunspots and no rain, but when the sunspots returned in 1987, so did the rain and that was the end of my drilling business. Thank you, Robin, Submitted by The Editors on November 5, 2015 - 3:48pm. The volcanic... A record-breaking cold snap is affecting eastern Australia this week, with Sydney, NSW recording its coldest run of May nights since 1967. Calculations are not fair to Jamal Shrair. Some scientists are researching other factors, such as heightened volcanic activity, that corresponded with the time of the Maunder Minimum. Full-Metal Alchemist too. I'll take mainstream science over conspiracy theory any day. Here are some definitions: Solar flares, CMEs, and other explosions tend to occur near sunspot groups when the Sun is more active. Is one device much more efficient than the other? That means solar panels can be effective even on cloudy days, and certainly during the winter months, too!" The epicenter was located 267 km (166 miles) SSE of Alo, Alo, Wallis and... A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.3 hit southern Qinghai, China at 18:04 UTC on May 21, 2021 (02:04 LT, May 22). This book defines not only the short but the long (206 yr) cycle. Your perpetuating global warming propaganda. This is real. Do you think that everyone is an internet hooligan like you? As an American freedom of choice and truth is everything. The ENSO regions have been cooling strongly over the last 4 months. Last quarter Moon was on April 15 (ET). Submitted by Jc Cj on December 15, 2014 - 12:07pm, Im thinking, by observing the severity of the weather where im at, i noticed, we seem to have more intense whether patterns when a significant cme has made impact with earth, Submitted by Kiumars Lalezar... on November 15, 2014 - 6:33pm. As frozen methane hydrate sublimes from land and marine permafrost into the atmosphere with 25? Submitted by The Editors on May 27, 2016 - 12:37pm. Now with low sunspot activity, the eastern half of the country has enjoyed great rain in the last 2 years, even up until the last 10 days, while the area around Cape Town has had at least 2 years of bad drought. We will dang sure wish there was a fire to keep us warm. The total number of sunspots has long been known to vary with an approximately 11-year repetition known as the solar cycle—going from low to high and then high to low. I never said she worked for NASA . Ores recovered by mining include metals, coal, oil shale, gemstones, limestone, chalk, dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay. Both flares and CMEs, depending on strength and orientation, etc., have the potential to disrupt communication signals (satellites, radio, etc.) If you value what we do here, please consider subscribing today. This means south facing panels in Perth will produce nearly as much energy over a year as north facing ones in Hobart. "The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both northern and southern hemispheres. Credit: NASA. A little research will reveal that the cooling and warming of the earth is cyclical and the sun is the "main". The average cost of an annual inspection of your rooftop solar panels is typically $150 to $300.After the inspection, the technician might suggest replacement or repair work if any of the components are broken or not working properly. So how do you know how active the sun was in the dates you mention that came before 1755. The bottom plot: The summary curve derived from the two PCs above for the “historical” data (cycles 21 - 23) and predicted for solar cycle 24 (2008 - 2019), cycle 25 (2020 - 2031), cycle 26 (2031 - 2042). its not man made, we are exciting an ice age . (For one thing, the Little Ice Age began before the Maunder Minimum.) Not all cycles are the same, however. An explanation, if any, would be appreciated. However, you did not understand what I wrote in the previous comment and I am not surprised. The poles reverse again back to where they started, making the full solar cycle a 22-year phenomenon. Global cooling is always a matter of the oceans cooling down. During this modern grand minimum, one would expect to see a reduction of the average terrestrial temperature by up to 1.0 °C (1.8 °F), especially, during the periods of solar minima between the cycles 25 - 26 and 26 - 27, e.g. BONUS: You’ll also receive our Almanac Companion newsletter! I got more knowledge about in the solar cycle activity. During this period, the temperatures across much of the northern hemisphere plunged. I do think Ben Davidson of suspiciousobservers YT channel will make the most correct prediction. With record lows being set and what seems to be a trend of Polar Vortex sticking around, I'm wondering if we are for thirty years of the stuff. Oh ya, I left out the apostrophe out on purpose, just for you. See the predictions for Solar Cycle 25. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). It will get colder in the coming decades, history has shown it. Hi Bill , I agree 100% global warming is here . I live in south Florida. Your prediction of the biggest solar maximum ever in two years would greatly increase the odds for a geomagnetic storm catastrophe on earth. It's never a good idea to try to predict the weather more than a few weeks out, let alone staking our whole future on an uncertain interpretation of the complexities of the planet. 1950. CO2 levels in the geologic past were 7000 ppm in Cambrian era. "During these grand solar minima, there is a significant reduction of the solar magnetic field and solar irradiance, which impose the reduction of terrestrial temperatures derived for these periods from the analysis of terrestrial biomass during the past 12 000 or more years.". There is a distinct possibility that as Uranium is used up, the geomagnetic forces are being disrupted and sulfuric acid and/or phosphoric acid is splattering about the sun mainly composed of glass. I no longer do geology or meteorology but write science fiction and short stories. I’ll go with NASA’s take. Hell of a chemistry course you took, don't you think? BTW, I hope you or your children are in one of those lines. The solar maximum or peak is predicted to happen in July, 2025. Its location does not favor Earth-directed CMEs, but there is a possibility that a... Volcanic activity at Sangay volcano, Ecuador increased significantly at 00:20 UTC on May 22, 2021, producing strong paroxysmal eruptive episode 500 - 1 000 m (1 640 - 3 300 feet) from the crater. I recommend it highly. It will take another 5 years at least to determine what is taking place in nature. Or the "everything we see is helical universe" BS you always write. The ski hills are all quietly going out-of-business. When solar activity increases, the amount of energy flowing into our climate increases. The true test to any data is time. And there is still snow. Looks to me like the Grand Solar Minimum is happening. Here is the bright side. That holds true with any truth. Learn About the Sun and Its Effect on Earth's Climate. Plant local biomass at every altitude (shoreline and watershed) and latitude (biozone) boundary, as a World War COVID first priority, or watch your house and the planet burn down. The SUN drives climate. And, do not tell me that Valentina and her brilliant team is the leading authority of the solar physicists at NASA. Sincerely, the OFA Editors, Submitted by BillBoy Baggins on March 7, 2019 - 6:37pm. We are now well into the 24th cycle. I began researching and seeing the lack of consistency between the story being promoted by the government. How much energy does a solar panel produce? As long as Jamal is sincere, I have no problems respecting his position. We have not polluted the other planets yet . Both space weather and terrestrial (Earth) weather—the weather we feel at the surface—are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle. Image credit: Museum of London. Bill, I'm curious, what is the temperature at your place today? The image that appears on your comment is your Gravatar. Conversely, solar maximum is the highest number of sunspots in any given cycle. Have I a correlation between less solar flares and the weather being colder in America and England.The cold air pushing down from Canada and Russia.slightly counterclockwise? Hundreds of homes and other structures were destroyed. CO 2 makes the oceans acidic but does not cause warming . Experts do not know for certain, however, what caused the Little Ice Age; theories suggest that it was likely due to a combination of events. Global Warming is here. Then when that didn't happen and the planet warmed, we needed to end all Fossil Fuels, including Natural Gas, to prevent the trace gas CO2 from causing manmade Global Warming...never you mind that NG combustion emits minimal CO2! This seemingly small decrease in the average temperature in the northern hemisphere led to frozen rivers, cold long winters, and cold summers. The right-hand page for April 1906 says “Low tides” for April 18. It has been conventionally defined as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries, but some experts prefer an alternative timespan from about 1300 to about 1850. Moon runs high was on April 2; Moon runs low was on April 13. But when information is with held from the citizens their choice to decide for themselves is taken away. Chris Landau In south Florida we could use a little cooling. Dark Winter is an excellent book. Learn the Factors That Impact the Life of a Home Battery Unit. "Oh but Rachel Madcow said." Now, I also assure you that the prediction of Valentina Zharkova is wrong and the biggest solar maximum ever, will take place within the next two years. According to the Toulouse VAAC, volcanic ash cloud... Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of Congo started erupting at around 17:15 UTC on May 22, 2021, producing high lava fountains and lava flows that forced nearby residents to evacuate in panic. Submitted by Turner on March 2, 2019 - 2:19am. "the greedy people are in control" 20, Issue 1, January 2005, ITT Industries, Fluid Handling [copy on file] [2] Domestic and Commercial Oil Burners, Charles H. Burkhardt, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York 3rd Ed 1969. solar-boosted air conditioner —see subsection 2(5) ... low temperature heating capacity test, ... this Determination does not affect the registration of any model registered against the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps) Determination 2013. Custom programming and server maintenance by, If the data is true and elected officials refuse to inform the public of what might happen it could be catastrophic. For 70 years, temperatures dropped by 1.8 to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. now we have a new boogeyman to fear, methane hydrates! Not the dogma of "we will save you, give us your money". Could weak solar minimum cause a shift in earth's magnetic fields? A big summer heat wave can prove the sun is on high. Do you know why? You can spend RP equal to one-quarter your maximum (minimum 1, maximum 3) to stabilize and can spend 1 RP in a later round to gain 1 Hit Point and stay in the fight. The strategies to obtain better efficiencies than the SQ Limit predicts are to work around one or more of the critical assumptions. According to local media reports, many residents of the nearby... A moderately strong solar flare measuring M1.1 at its peak erupted from Active Region 2824 (Alpha) at 17:11 UTC on May 22, 2021. There are a number of factors which affect the net energy flow into our climate. And stop quibbling ego-driven quibbles, please. However, the amount of galactic cosmic rays that hits the sun will decrease after the sun starts descending from its highest position. Is solar energy more expensive than conventional energy? Researcher, journalist and editor of The Watchers. The simpliest solar cycle definition is: “The solar cycle is the cycle that the Sun’s magnetic field goes through approximately every 11 years.”. This can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both the northern and southern hemispheres during the next 30 years. The amount of oxygen produced by the algae in the oceans alone is enough to offset the small amount of co2 produced by mankind. The Oil Companies began hiding data on it in the 1050's. Why don't you ever use math? We are trending to major solar minimum. Their strength is rated according to their brightness in x-ray wavelengths. If this does come to pass and no action is taken to prepare for it then when it does come it will be to late to prepare. The grand/major solar minimum is centered cosmic rays being absorbed by earth's atmosphere etc It's the end of the world so give us power and money and we'll save you! what is the difference between Coronal mass , solar flaire and sunspots? Thank you for you're constructive criticism Bill , I can only assure you that my typing was better than my walking after 13 beers , I do get drunk but never stupid enough to fall for the BS . This type of power plant is considered a renewable option as the energy source is the sun, which is a clean, renewable, abundant, and cheap source. And still the predicted warming didn't appear -- The Pause was being masked the Deep Ocean Conveyor Currents or something, something something! It's the end of the world so give us power and money and we'll save you! Are there any Australian Standards in the solar field? Buying solar panels is an investment that pays you back over the period of time. What type of electricity rates & tariffs are there? The epicenter was located... A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit Yunnan, China at 13:48 UTC (21:48 LT) on May 21, 2021. The peak of sunspot activity is known as solar maximum and the low is known as solar minimum. But it will have only a minor effect in mitigating carbon and other climate affecting gasses. No, I do not have crystal ball, naive GT, I have special mind, like so many other researchers who cannot be infected by the myths and pseudoscience, even if this pseudoscience is held by 7 billion solar physicists. Coronal mass ejection, or CMEs, are large clouds of gases and magnetized particles (plasma) thrown out from the Sun; if oriented in the proper direction, a CME can take 1 to 3 days to reach Earth. They simply need sunlight. According to recent data, 7 out of 10 solar panel shoppers express interest in adding a battery to their solar systems. Tropical or subtropical storms have formed before the official start of the season for the past 7 years.... A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit the Fiji region at 22:13 UTC on May 21, 2021, at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). Specifically, there were only about 50 sunspots (instead of the usual 40 to 50 thousand) and harsh winters. Thats what people do when they have an education but nothing substantial to say? Scientists measure solar cycles by keeping track of the number of sunspots appearing on the Sun’s surface as well as noting the location. I've always marked the beginning of the grand / major solar minimum as 2016 since It's all downhill from there on. While I am intrigued by the science behind a potential onset of an Eddy minimum, and Ms Zharkova's take on the state of the sun, real world effects seem only anecdotally correlative at this point - at best. I am a ham operator from long ago (1964) 10 meter,20 meter,even 40 meter bands are dead. The peak was expected by 2012! You are just going to love 2020. Now look outside February 14th,crazy weather record cold. "You'er" is a weird, woke way to spell "You're". Between the peak and minimum of the 11-year cycle, a change in solar radiation exists of 0.1 percent -- enough to change the global surface temperature by 0.1 degree Celsius. It is not getting attention because it does not fit the Agenda of those that hold to Global Warming. More sunspots means more solar activity. Submitted by BillBoy Baggins on March 7, 2019 - 6:36pm, Submitted by DR HERBERT J SMITH on March 11, 2019 - 1:11am. Stay alert and keep up the excellent work. These cycles are interesting to me personalty as their results are outlined by my grandfathers as far back as the late 1600s. Anybody who believes in man-made climate change is delusional at best. Remember that old song, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"? If you review the predictions of the last two solar cycles that were made by the leading authority of solar physics, you will find out that those predictions were exactly the opposite with the actual solar activities. If your right, it's lights out for earth's population. When this process starts, huge sunspots will emerge and the biggest solar maximum ever will take place. Despite having two maxima, this cycle is the smallest in more than 100 years, and solar activity is expected to continue to decline from these low peaks toward its expected minima in early 2019. There were many scientists who studied the Sun’s energy output though there weren’t official records. It is going to be interesting to watch. Submitted by Chris Landau on April 1, 2018 - 8:51pm. British astronomer John Herschel (1792–1871) and French physicist Claude Pouillet (1790–1868) were some of the first who invented apparatus for measurements. [3] National Fuel Gas Code (Z223.1) $16.00 and National Fuel Gas Code Handbook (Z223.2) $47.00 American Gas Association (A.G.A. The article states that record keeping began in 1755. Any explanation(s) please? Even major science publications came out saying this lady was wrong, only to write retractions a couple months later. Moon at perigee on April 10; Moon at apogee on April 25. This approach revealed the presence of not only 11-year solar cycles but also of grand solar cycles with a duration of 350 - 400 years. Hi Jamal , If you don't know what Valentina discovered why are you even typing . I was taught the number one factor effecting climate change is solar activity. I know all the top mainstream Ukraine solar and astrophysicists, since 1960s. Very clear the explanations. In 2019 we were at 60 degrees F. My area of the USA has not seen a hard winter in half a decade. Times of depressed solar activity seem to correspond with times of global cold in history. Low Maintenance Required Solar panels have an average lifespan of 25-30 years and require only little maintenance over these years. Was Mars unusually visible, or would there have been something else interesting in the sky? Submitted by Larry on May 26, 2016 - 7:58am. In December, 2019, the sunspot numbers hit the solar minimum and “rock bottom” and the Sun passed from Cycle 24 into Cycle 25. The new cyclone is expected to form by May 24 and be named Yaas, the... SETI Institute researchers are reporting that they can now detect showers from the debris in the path of comets that pass close to Earth orbit and are known to return as infrequent as once every 4 000 years. But, the 11-year cycle is the one that is most associated with the kinds of solar storms that affect the planet. Winter is coming ... not a flippant comment We need to stop it, and since nuclear bad, use nothing but "renewable" solar and wind...and never you mind about the massive CO2 emissions produced manufacturing solar panels and wind farms! The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). Solar Panel Lifespan Guide: How Long Do They Last? The best thing mankind could do is get set for a moor glaciation and that includes having contingency plans for relocating nuclear fuels, waste and power stations in short order. Thank you for showing that some people do know the truth about this far left hoax of anthropogenic climate change. “Early estimates of grand minimum frequency in solar-type stars ranged from 10% to 30%, implying the sun’s influence could be overpowering. Subscribe to our newsletter and have our news updates delivered to your inbox daily. As the strength and angle of the sun varies throughout the day and seasons, so too does the strength of the sun's radiation and this affects the amount of electricity your solar power system will generate. English is only my second language. A new cycle starts with a “solar maximum” littered with solar storms and sunspots. The temperature is 130,there is more heat from the sun in 2020. and so it was in the 1930's, where 130F was common, The elevation profile of the magnetic field line trunking has never been this low at the coordinates of the magnetic north and south poles in 2020 (check it in Google Earth with the coordinates of NOAA). The Earth will pass between the Moon and Sun from 09:45 to 12:52 UTC on May 26, 2021, creating a total lunar eclipse -- visible from eastern Asia, Australia, the Pacific, and the Americas. "Contrary to common belief, solar panels do not need heat to be effective. Bottom plot: The modulus summary curve associated with the sunspot numbers derived for cycles 21 - 23 (and calculated for cycles 24 - 26). The sun is made of gases that rotate, generating magnetic field - but various sections rotate differently. For example: Painting by Abraham Hondius, “The Frozen Thames, looking Eastwards towards Old London Bridge,” 1677. (Figure 1) Top plot: two principal components (PCs) of solar background magnetic field (blue and green curves, arbitrary numbers) obtained for cycles 21 - 23 (historic data) and predicted for cycles 24 - 26 using the mathematical formulae derived from the historical data. Submitted by Jeff State on August 2, 2017 - 4:35pm. There is a high potential for this LPA to become the first subtropical storm (Ana)... Strombolian activity increased again at Etna's Southeast Crater at 23:34 UTC on May 20, 2021, with the eruptive cloud moving in the SE direction. The Sun’s high temperatures causes these electrically-charged gases to constantly move around, generating areas of powerful magnetic forces or fields. On the 19th, there was a conjunction of Saturn and the Moon. Submitted by Robert Williamson on February 13, 2015 - 4:44pm. Let’s explain: Remember that the Sun is a hot ball of glowing, electrically-charged gases. Let me give you a piece of advice, naïve G T. Do not argue with Jamal Shrair when it comes to the Sun. You lost me at "I'll go with NASA's take." — Steve Jobs, US computer engineer & industrialist, The Watchers — Watching the world evolve and transform, Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, Fast-flowing lava from Nyiragongo engulfs hundreds of homes, ash rising up to 13.7 km (45 000 feet) a.s.l., DR Congo, Mount Nyiragongo erupts, causing nearby residents to flee in panic, DR Congo, Subtropical Storm "Ana" forms NE of Bermuda, New tropical cyclone forming in the Bay of Bengal, Subtropical cyclone forming east of Bermuda, Atlantic Ocean, Moderately strong M1.1 solar flare erupts from Region 2824, Geomagnetic storm watch in effect for May 18, CME impacts Earth, sparking G3 - Strong geomagnetic storm, Situational awareness for potentially hazardous comets last near-Earth as far back as 4 000 years ago, Bright green fireball streaks through the night sky over Morocco, Satellite-assisted models for detection of desert locust breeding grounds, Researchers develop first space-based system that can monitor earthquakes and tsunamis, Deep earthquakes in Texas driven by shallow wastewater injection, Strong eruption with large lava fountaining at Sangay volcano, Ecuador, Strong and shallow M6.5 earthquake hits Fiji region, Very strong and shallow M7.3 earthquake hits southern Qinghai, China, Strong and shallow M6.1 earthquake hits Yunnan, China, Another episode of lava fountaining at Etna, Italy, Sydney records coldest run of May nights since 1967, Australia, Delhi records highest 24-hr May rainfall on record and lowest May temperature since 1951, Forest fires from last summer rekindle in Siberia, sparking wildfire season early this year, Moscow swelters through record May heat, Russia, Shungite: The Electropollution Solution Special Report, Supermoon lunar eclipse on September 28, 2015 ends the current lunar tetrad - Blood Moon, California - Oregon border faces 'catastrophic' water crisis, irrigation water to farmers shut off, Wildfires burning at extremely dangerous levels across Manitoba, Canada, Czech Republic sees extreme snow as another Arctic front descends on Europe, Severe storms lash Texas and Louisiana, flood emergency declared, Historic rainfall, significant flood threat continues for south-central U.S., at least 5 fatalities in Louisiana, 600 large sinkholes open in Turkey's breadbasket amid worsening drought, Severe thunderstorm hits Wuhan, turning day into night, China, Baseball-sized hail hits Norman, causing damage worth millions of dollars, Oklahoma, Huge lava fountains at Fagradalsfjall, biggest since the eruption start, Iceland, Destructive tornado rips through Wuhan, killing 8 people and injuring 280, China, Unusually high lava fountains beyond 460 m (1 500 feet) at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland, Severe flooding hits Brazil as Amazon rivers rise to near-record levels, Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm "Tauktae" makes landfall over the coast of Saurashtra, Gujarat, India, Major damage after worst flooding in 11 years hits Cuenca, Ecuador, Ash produced by Sangay volcano rising up to 9.5 km (31 000 feet) a.s.l., Ecuador, The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: May 12 - 18, 2021, Eruption at Stromboli volcano, pyroclastic flow reaches the coastline, Italy, Daylight fireball recorded over Bahia, sonic boom reported, Brazil, Newly-discovered asteroid 2021 JU6 flew past Earth at 0.17 LD, Slow-moving fireball over the Mediterranean Sea, Decades-old video footage reveals new type of aurora - Diffuse Auroral Eraser, Caldera collapse triggers large-scale volcanic eruptions, Incoming CME, impact expected early May 12, M3.9 solar flare erupts from Active Region 2822, G2 - Moderate geomagnetic storm watch in effect for April 25, Study: Modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020 - 2053) leads to cooling, important implications for entire planet, Donald Scott: Parker Solar Probe and the Electric Sun, Quantum experiment shows objective reality does not exist, Forecasting earthquakes 5 days ahead, research, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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