I lost my dad to cancer at the age of 62, but I had my mother and three sisters for a lot of years. A horse wrangler or camp cook was also a rustler, but the most widespread and notorious use of the word referred to a cattle thief. Hi Denise. Books. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Point of terminology: "Rustling" applies specifically to theft of cattle. Spanish police said their investigation began after a COVID-19 outbreak at the company where the 40-year-old man worked on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Bless your heart, not knowing where your great-great grandfather is buried. This article is available to subscribers who have digital access included in their subscription. Sat, 17 April 2021 2:00AM. With outrage people would have today over things its hard to believe that families used to picnic at hangings and gather like it was social hour. They are raised throughout the wasteland for their labor, milk, fertilizer, hair, leather, and meat. At its peak, one of the largest ranches in the Texas Panhandle had over 150,000 head of cattle and a thousand horses. Investigator Shawn Harvey says cattle rustling is fairly common. A large part of the population of the Old West made their living based on the cattle trade, either directly or indirectly. I honestly don’t know a lot about my family or the things they did or went through. In North America, especially in the Wild West cowboy culture, cattle theft is dubbed rustling, while an individual who engages in it is a rustler. Great blog! I loved your post. A native Texan, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Phyliss Miranda still believes in the Code of the Old West and loves to share her love for antiques, the lost art of quilting, and the Wild West. Anyone with information on cattle theft is urged to contact the Livestock Section of the RCMP at 403-701-1462, or their local police. Modern day rustlers often sneak onto rural ranches at night, or on weekends when the owners are away, steal and sell cattle. Because her father was Clayton’s mayor, she witnessed the reburial. Hi Tonya, so glad to hear from you. So, his widow killed a few men in return. I do not have any stories to share but vigilante justice can result in the wrong person paying the price. Good morning Phyliss- I’m a distant cousin to Bonnie Parker On my Dads side. I love her stories. In the Old West, the terms rustling, and rustler had several meanings. Posted 39 m minutes ago Wed Wednesday 17 Mar March 2021 at 9:53am. The Old West Is Dead, But Cattle Rustling Lives On / Every trick in book used to pry valuable cows from ranchers Pam Belluck , New York Times … For example, on 20th July, 1889, James Averell and Kate Watson were lynched on the orders of Albert J. Bothwell, a powerful cattleman in Wyoming. Sawbuck – a type of pack saddle with crossed pieces of wood, on which the panniers are hung. He initially came to Alabama because he was going to rob the train that came thru the town where my Great Grandfather lived and decided to visit him. Cattle rustling wasn’t the only crimes of the 1800’s and earlier. You have some interesting family history. And that case, like others nowadays, happened on paper, not on the range. From what I’ve researched this wasn’t uncommon. During this time, there were many instances of cattle theft which could take place for different reasons. The large ranches defended against cattle rustling often by forbidding their employees from owning cattle and by lynching (or threatening to lynch) suspected rustlers. Site Hosted and Maintained by Indies On the Web, https://petticoatsandpistols.com/author/phyliss/, © 2021 Petticoats and Pistols & Licensors. McCanles Gang – Led by David McCanles (or by some accounts, McCandless), this group of men were allegedly wanted for robbing banks and trains, cattle rustling, murder, and horse theft in the early 1860s.. McCarty Gang (1892-1893) – The McCarty Gang was run by Tom McCarty, who was one of the first to introduce Butch Cassidy to the life of banditry. Ellen Liddy Watson (July 2, 1860 – July 20, 1889) was a pioneer of Wyoming who became known as Cattle Kate, an outlaw of the Old West, although the characterization is a dubious one, as subsequent research has tended to see her as a much maligned victim of a self styled land baron. I know they’ll be a lot of our readers today who will want to check it out. The majority of thieves used a ‘running iron,’ instead of a regular stamp iron, which was a straight rod with a curve at the heated end. We must be a boring family. Cattle rustlers continued to be pests to the ranchers, until the 20th century, and then the practice gradually died down. West Pokot leaders have condemned the arrest of maize traders in the county. According to this account of the crime: https://www.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Archive/Story-Article-View/Article/477774/the-last-ride-of-jesse-james-infamous-outlaws-last-crime-was-robbing-the-us-arm/ However, on a Gunsmoke rerun the other day, the hung the wrong man for cattle rustling. We’ve done a lot of family research and…by WE…I mean not ME. Hugs, Phyliss. Shootouts. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. My dads grandmother and Bonnie’s mom were 1/2 sisters. Hi Alisa, good to hear from you. In the American Old West, rustling was considered a serious offense, and it did frequently result in lynching by vigilantes. One of the major problems with this was the calf escaping and returning to their mothers, even over long distances. Cattle Rustling In The Old West, My In-laws And Outlaws. My maiden name was changed, too, but for different reasons. Saddle skirts or skirts – the broad piece of leather that fringes a saddle. Hi Stephanie, good to hear from you. They thought an apology was good enough. My dad and mom were only children. Good to hear from you. A horse wrangler or camp cook was also a rustler, but the most widespread and notorious use of the word referred to a cattle thief. Cattle Rustling In The Old West Back then, the Old West was a no nonsense place and rustling was considered a serious offense which frequently resulted in a lynching by vigilantes. I’m Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In the Old West, the terms rustling, and rustler had several meanings. So sad!! This made me think about how the U.S. has changed. Tag: cattle rustling The Old West Lives: Tourism’s Glory Days In Tombstone, Arizona. Cattle rustling is as old as the West. This caused many ranchers to stop hiring cowboys that owned their own cattle. Cattle Rustling in the Wild West – A Rancher’s Worst Nightmare. Jordan McArdle The West Australian. The youngest was Glen Nelson. An average calf can bring thousands of dollars on the open market; so multiply that by a trailer, or even a truck load, of cattle and you can see why it’s a profitable business for thieves. Take care of yourself and your family. I have family stories galore. Married into a family of five boys, so we’ve had a big family. Of course cattle thefts by Indians were a common hazard for early settlers in the Old West. My family is not very exciting.I have very few relatives. The term cattle rustling is derived from the cowboy culture of the Old West, and is used in America in regards to the raiding of ranches. No longer is a single head of beef stolen for food or an occasional Native American slipping off the reservation to provide for his family… it is big business. ABC Rural / By James Liveris. Belle Starr, pictured sitting side saddle on her horse wearing a single loop holster with a pearl-handled revolver, c.… Back when Georgia was a penal colony, one of my ancestors was shipped over for “stealing something he could not return” from the lord of the manor’s daughter. His life was one of hardship and difficulties but he succeeded in making a success of himself. More daring rustlers would begin stampedes with entire herds on the northern trails, defending themselves with rifles if pursued. You made some very accurate and noteworthy observations. Discourse on cattle is so much elevated above any meaningful discussion on education, technology or development in general. Great blog, Phyllis. Like Glenda, wished I would of asked my grandparents more details growing up. I was an only child. In April 1892, he led the Regulators to the KC Ranch, where Nate Champion and Nick Ray, small-time ranchers who had been falsely accused of cattle rustling, were holed up. Big hugs, Phyliss. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Please stay safe. In the Wild West, rustling was a serious offence and frequently resulted in lynching from a group of vigilantes. The vast majority of the cattle stolen during this period was taken by other ranchers, or cowboys, however. Love and Hugs to You Sweet Lady, Hi Tonya, isn’t her story interesting! Cattle rustling is a crime as old as the American West and today's thieves are taking full advantage of modern day tools to ply their old trade. I don’t remember when or how I discovered he wrote a couple of books under the pen name of Lee Sage. But I became interested in “vigilante justice” from my mother-in-law, who passed on ten years ago at the age of 92. Today’s cattle rustlers usually aren’t as bold as the gun-slingers of the Old West; you can’t hang them from the nearest tree, either. September 11, 2019 Marshall Trimble. My mama was from Louisiana and they met and married here, so there was little they agreed on especially when it came to food! Convicted of murder in 1887, Bogan was sentenced to death but … The rustlers would hide the herds on the western ranges, in box canyons, until they could be rebranded. A horse wrangler or camp cook was also a rustler, but the most widespread and notorious use of the word referred to a cattle thief. Steal a man's cow and you cost him some money; steal his horse and you may be killing him. My daddy was a fly boy here at the AFB and from Ohio. Cattle rustling is as old as the West. Cattle rustling. Mexican rustlers were a major issue during the American Civil War, with the Mexican government being accused of supporting … Cattle Rustling in the Wild West – A Rancher’s Worst Nightmare. In a SHTF situation anybody caught rustling livestock (which is what you would be doing if you kill somebody’s property) would be shot on sight… and country boys and girls can shoot a long, long way with their scoped bolt actions. 'Moo, I say,' or somesuch.Ed Brahmin or brahma are mutated cattle with two heads and giant udders. I’m sorry for the lose of your loved ones at such an early age. Like horse thieves, cattle rustlers could be hanged without benefit of trial, judge or jury. Many ranchers would wait until their calves had been weaned to brand them, which caused rustlers to begin targeting the younger animals. I don’t have any family stories like that! His execution turned into a big town event, with the lawmen actually selling tickets to the hangin’. He built himself a good life in America. My grandmother LaVerda Nelson Orrock had two brothers. Mama was crusty and Daddy a total gentleman! I thought twice about posting this blog, but since we were talking about the 1800’s and earlier, I went ahead with it. Maybe you can decide from the following! One left to go out west and is well known where he settled many years later. A story teller, she was reared in Clayton, New Mexico. They would also start stampedes to drive off any cattle they couldn’t take. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Nothing exciting at all. the great florida range wars the legendary old west had died by the late 1800s, but for cowboys in the wild, wild east, cattle rustling and gunfights were still a way of life Greatly enjoyed your post today Mrs Phyliss! Convicted of murder in 1887, Bogan was sentenced to death but … But my mother-in-law’s story only began there. ... currently most of the people who were engaging in cattle rustling are now engaging in business. ALSO SEE: What’s up with all this Easterday cattle stuff? But my family roots are DEEP. Cattle rustling – wild west style? Ketchum was buried at Clayton’s Boot Hill on April 26, 1901. In the early days of the unsettled West, stampeding cattle away from their range was the most popular way to purloin stock. ( Log Out /  She was abducted from her home and lynched He did as he pleased and ruined lives and then disappeared. Written by Chad Peterson in. I bet your family wasn’t as boring as you thought. Obviously, thieves could drive stolen livestock miles away before a rancher learned he had animals missing. Bush and ‘Burbs: Ex-Sydney, West Coast player Mitch Morton to pull on boots for old club Lake Grace-Pingrup. Miss them terribly. . In this lesson, we will learn more about Pearl Hart and Cattle Kate, as well as Cattle Annie and Little Britches, two young women accused of cattle rustling. I haven’t been out very much for nearly two months now, but feel safe and take precautions when I do go out. We know approximately where it is. McCanles Gang – Led by David McCanles (or by some accounts, McCandless), this group of men were allegedly wanted for robbing banks and trains, cattle rustling, murder, and horse theft in the early 1860s.. McCarty Gang (1892-1893) – The McCarty Gang was run by Tom McCarty, who was one of the first to introduce Butch Cassidy to the life of banditry. I delved into the subject of cattle rustling and the methods of rustlers while researching for one of our anthologies where my Pinkerton Agent comes to the Panhandle to break up an outfit of rustlers. Train robberies closed in on it. Hugs, Phyliss. Yikes. Three decades later, when she was in grade school, Ketchum’s grave was moved to the new cemetery. In the first part of the 19th century, opponents of slavery, cattle rustlers, horse thieves, gamblers and other “desperadoes” in the South and the Old West were the most common targets of those who were not of African American descent. Hugs, P. Awesome story Glenda, thanks for sharing! Good morning. What are your thoughts on vigilante justice of the 1800’s and earlier? They also targeted other ranchers on the plains. Cattle rustling on the rise across Africa . Days before the outbreak, the man showed COVID-19 symptoms but refused his colleagues' suggestions to go home and self-isolate, police said in a statement. Confronted by the owner, the man bowed his head and said, “My family was hungry.”. Hi Debra, glad to hear from you. She stayed in England, since he was beneath her station, but it wasn’t all bad for this ancestor. I’m bettin’ you’ll find some interesting stories one of these days. Most of my ancestors where Indian on my dads side. A large part of the population of the Old West made their living based on the cattle trade, either directly or indirectly. 100 Best Historical Photos American Old West - The arrival of the daguerreotype in the 1840s could not have come at a more fortuitous time for the American West. Yes, I totally agree about buying tickets to a hanging! And a recent $225 million alleged cattle heist involving Easterday Ranches and Tyson Fresh Meats in Washington is one of the largest cases in U.S. history. They ride high in the saddle in Tombstone. I learned most of mine from my grandmother and my mother-in-law. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I can’t imagine buying tickets to a hanging. Cattle rustling in Africa has, in recent years, grown both in scale and violence and is increasingly linked to organised criminal and terrorist groups as a source of income. Wow, I’m so impressed and thanks for the link. During and shortly after the Civil War, Mexican rustlers were also a major problem, along the border. Hi Miss Quilt Lady. ( Log Out /  . Mom’s were Spanish. I remember the first time my mother told me that story as a young teen and being equal measures scandalized and amused (the only reason he didn’t face a harsher punishment was the daughter pled for his life, leading me to believe this was a consensual act). WA Police are cracking down on cattle rustling in the state’s Mid West, Gascoyne and Pilbara. Plus, although I don’t know how old you are, but when I was growing up stories weren’t shared as they are now. Watson had acquired homestead rights on land with water resources vital to the wealthiest rancher in the county, Albert Bothwell, when she was accused by him of cattle rustling. Thank you precious lady for dropping by and reading my post. Swear I heard one of them brahmin speak. My dad has told me some family on his side were ridge runners… I have Lenape Indian on my maternal grandfather’s side… wish I knew of some stories of my family’s past…. Jordan McArdle. This was soon outlawed, and they switched to using a piece of heavy wire that could be carried easily and bent into any shape. Take care and good to hear from you. At the lower end of the rustling scale was subsistence rustling. Hi Glenda, what a great family story and history. In 2015, there were 758 livestock-related theft cases investigated, according to data from the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. At certain times in the West where cattle rustling was prevalent, a man could be hung for carrying a running iron.. Saddle bum – a drifter. I hope you have a great rest of the week. All I know is my grandparents came from Hungary and they didn’t talk much about life back then. Rustlers would go as far as to kill the mothers, so that the calves could not return. Sure glad you enjoyed it. Livestock who forged well were called rustlers by cowmen; meaning the animals could graze or “rustle up” nourishment on marginal land. And Cattle Kate, suspected of cattle rustling, was the only woman ever hanged in Wyoming. A large part of the population of the Old West made their living based on the cattle trade, either directly or indirectly. [ 6 ] One cause of tensions between Mexico and the United States in the years leading up to the Mexican-American War was the frequent raiding of cattle by Native Americans from north of the border. I’m sure plenty of my family members have gotten in to lots of trouble. In the American Old West, rustling was considered a serious offense, and it did frequently result in lynching by vigilantes. On the vast open ranges of yesteryear, rustling was a serious problem and punishable by hanging. Court convictions for rustling were difficult because of the animosity of small ranchers and settlers toward big cattle outfits. We were related to Cole Younger but that our family was law abiding citizens anyway the story goes the Pinkertons were continuously harassing them so bad that they dropped the ER off their names and moved south down here to Alabama. I totally agree about vigilante justice, as we are unfortunately seeing today. But one branch of my family came to America in 1638…that’s just 16 years after Jamestown. There were brothers who all went their separate ways. . Livestock who forged well were called rustlers by cowmen; meaning the animals could graze or “rustle up” nourishment on marginal land. Take care of yourself and I hope all goes well with you and yours. Great read. Until the proposal is signed into law, a rustler can steal ten or more head of livestock and the punishment is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the law of the Old West … hang ‘um high and fast. My Great Grandfather tried to talk to Jessie about Jesus and asked him please to not rob the train well Jessie didn’t rob the train. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Rural Crime Squad officers charged a 43-year-old man and a 37-year-old woman with offences relating to the theft and sale of 803 cattle valued at approximately $800,000. While West Virginia and Kentucky had the famous Hatfield and McCoy feud, Texas had the Sutton-Taylor feud.Starting in 1868 and lasting 8 years the feud claimed at least 35 lives and involved Deputy Sheriffs, family members of Texas Rangers, cattle rustling and even infamous Texas gunman John Wesley Hardin was involved … Change ). They would cut pasture fences and drive the calves to their own corral, before stamping them with their brand. I really wish I had got my dad to tell me the story again in my older adult years so I could have written it down. My great-great-great grandfather was killed by Rebel Bushwackers during the Civil War. I pray you and yours stay safe, also. Cause a man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do. Many times, “vigilante justice,” hang ‘um first…ask questions later, was handed down by organized stockmen. I’m totally like you about wishing both my parents and grandmother had told me more when I was an adult. Raising cattle and living on a ranch yet he was brought up in a city with no knowledge at all of the lifestyle which he followed. Comments. Gives me the shivers. The new brand would identify the thief and he would be in danger of being lynched. Stay safe in these very uncertain and difficult times. And a recent $225 million alleged cattle heist involving Easterday Ranches and Tyson Fresh Meats in Washington is one of the largest cases in U.S. history. They are found all over the post-War United States. Bath and Body Works. We seem to have been going backwards in race relations for around 14 years or so and that is a sad thing. But was hanging always fast and efficient? I can only imagine being an only child of two only children and knowing the family stories. Do you have a family story you’d like to share? If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at www.P3Tips.com or by using the “P3 Tips” app available through the Apple App or Google Play Store. Cattle rustling is as old as the West. Meanwhile, hangings, burnings, and whippings continued to kill slaves with common regularity. Cattle raiding is the act of stealing cattle. He began rustling cattle for a living and quickly gained a reputation as a deadly gunman. It was also easy to register a brand, with a few animals, and then add to their stock with those that they stole. No rustlers I know of. Cattle Rustling. I bet your family honors him regularly with or without an official gravesite. Consequently, rustling was normally punished by … Hugs and love back at you, my friend. Rural Crime Squad commenced Operation Topography to combat an Established Criminal Network involved in the theft and subsequent sale of cattle from the Mid-West Gascoyne and Pilbara Districts. Big hugs, Phyliss. I don’t have any stories to share. I’m sure in those days a casket did not weather well. Many from when I was very young and concerning my parents lives before they arrived in the US. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I hope you and yours have a great week and please stay safe. He did however go to North Alabama to steal payroll for laborers in the Blue Water Camp at the Muscle Shoals Canal Project on the Tennessee River. Of course we moved from New York to Texas when I was 10, so I didn’t really see them much after that except a few times when we went back to visit them. Pair face court over alleged cattle rustling operation in Western Australia. In the Old West, the terms rustling, and rustler had several meanings. The crime is also transnational in that cattle are moved across borders. I can’t think of any infamous family stories but I wish I knew some of them now that I’m older. Their success at cattle rustling came from their skills as cowboys, such as roping, branding and trailing the beasts. Many years have transpired. I have heard of cattle being stolen using big rigs here in FL, and a few horses being killed for the “fun” of it.

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