The angel then tells them to inform the disciples, especially Peter, that Jesus is ALIVE! Most of…. No, no affiliation, but from their website, it looks like they are part of the Messianic movement, as well. I still wonder how they arrive at their dates of manmade observances and disregard days that were observed by Jesus. The calendar our congregation uses is a Gregorian calendar overlaid by the Jewish Diaspora calendar and modified to incorporate God’s appointed times as given by Moses and synchronized to start each Hebrew month on the new moon as it would be seen from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. May YHVH richly bless you as you pursue Him. This year’s 44-page calendar covers 13 months (April 2021 to April 2022) and identifies our Heavenly Father’s Appointed Times with suggested weekly bible readings (Torah portions) for each week. Education before the Feasts on the importance/relevance for commemorating them would be required if your congregation has not done this in the past. we THE FINGER OF ELOHIM MESSIANIC SHABBAT use this medium to thank you for the update on feasts of Adonai. Say in your prayer, “Father, I thank You for my sickness because You know about it and You can heal me completely now. Sincerely, After the catholic church got through burning our Bibles and giving back their translations they had no intentions of us being saved so they tried through Constenine to make us think the one to save us was called jesus. I believe once people understand the Hebrew roots of their faith, their complete vocabulary will change, including how they refer to the Messiah, as it did for me. May God bless you in your pursuit of His truth. I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour just before I was married in 1972 (43 yrs. Just like previous years, it also contains lots of background information and resources to enhance your understanding and help you draw closer to the … with that name they included December 25 for pagan Christmas birthday also easter which are both honoring pagan gods tammuz and isthar. for you are a Daughter of His COVENANT Sealed in the Precious BlLOOD of YESHUA All who think jesus is the name to trust in will be sadly disappointed when our Messiah says depart from me I never knew you you workers of lawlessness! My mom accepted Jesus as her Savior & one & only, a year & a half prior to her passing. thanking you for your I appreciate the spirit in which you wrote this. I appreciate the site and information. Has Pentecost been celebrated as Jubilee? Now, in observance (and I don’t have a church home per se) where am I to follow through in the celebration of the feasts? Yes the Jewish tradition is correct for it is written : Until Heaven and earth pass away not one word would pass out of the LAW and the PROPHET until all all is fulfilled Jesus was crucified on Passover and rose from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits. Much to learn and so little time. Have a wonderful day. Also, when is the unleavened bread offered? Thank you for your thoughtful comment. There are no valid arguments. Pentecost: Sunday, May 16. what is the meaning of Jesus? sundown November 30 to sundown December 8, 2021 September 6 is the first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar – the month of Tishrei. This is why the Messiah’s followers could not touch him immediately after the Resurrection until after this occurred. The Eighth Day Feast begins Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at sundown and ends Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at sundown. Holy Days 2021. Yes, Yahushua Messiah was sacrificed as a Passover lamb once and for all but we need to observe it yearly to remind ourselves of the day YHWH set us free from every form of satanic slavery and be thankful for the significance. The day also speaks of the return of Jesus to Jerusalem where He will establish His throne and will reign there for 1000 years. Do you do observer the night to be remembered? You will want to search for a “Messianic” congregation. May he bless you as you pursue his ways. The Feast of Firstfruits is always Day 1 of the 50-day count, so Pentecost is actually 49 days after Firstfruits. Numbers 1-10 teaches us how to "enter our rest" as Paul describes in Hebrews 3-4. Last Great Day: Tuesday, September 28. I recommend the teaching links included on my Recommended Resources page. I at least want to know about it…. Jun 13, 2021. in 29 days. I’m also not tech savy. If Yeshua fulfilled the sacrafical system, then how do we keep Passover? My opinion is that the answer stems from how you define an Israelite or Jew. Read this: Depending on what calendar you're following, Pentecost / Shavuot is this Sunday! Have been reading the Bible for many years but have never really plugged into putting into practice the feasts. This confuses many people because we are used to our holidays falling on the same day of the week each year. “God delights not in the sacrifice of bullocks and lambs, or burnt offerings, but in a repentant and contrite heart” Glory be to God in the highest… Peace, good will toward men… The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. It is wonderful to see God calling his followers closer by his side through the Sabbath and the Feasts. Jenny, the feast dates are now posted on my Feasts 2016 page. You are right and i hope i did not offend you with my question; it’s just when i found out i was sitting in the synagogue and heard two men of Yahshua talking about us not even knowing his real name and i went off; how can you teach and yet you are teaching incorrectly; i have since stop going to that synagogue and going to one that calls him by his magnificent and marvelous holy and righteous name. Thank you! I have been searching and have been led a long time through multiple physical and emotional trauma events and have ached to where I thought I would die. I have found a connection to Pentecost and Jubilee, which I discuss in my post: Counting the Omer Part 2: 9 Days of Prayer. Follow as little children, in trust and faith, with the innocence of a child. Its been confusing ths year couldnt find help to observe th correct date seem like “lost sheep” trying to fit in with Jewish date for Pesach & First Fruits! There are several Biblical feasts and celebrations, or Moedim and Chagim that we all strive to fellowship on in accordance to the Scriptures. Therefore the sighting of the new moon was the first day of the month. I hope that helps explain it. The wave sheaf was harvested on Saturday night then it was waved before and accepted by I AM on the first day of the week (Sunday) DURING the Feast\Days of Unleavened Bread (Thanks be to Yah & Y’shua, the Unleavened Bread of Life, our Passover without blemish Who ATONED (AT-ONE-MENT) the human family back to our God, the God of Truth). I attend a Assembly where almost everybody has been messianic for a long time. The Feast of First Fruits is one of three Jewish harvest feasts to thank … Bless you brother! Yeshua, as our Passover Lamb for all time, is now mediating the priesthood for us vs. a temple with priests and animal sacrifices. Thanks. Tishrei 1 is also the day of the Feast of Trumpets referenced in Lev. Unleavened Bread. Amen. Judy, thank you for your intelligent question. And what a joyous day that will be! You will need to seek God for guidance. Posted by lorimaguiregmailcom May 20, 2021 Posted in Feasts Tags: Jewish origins of Pentecost, Leviticus, old and new covenants, Pentecost, Shavuot 15 “‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. 23:23-35. I hope this site will enable me to communicate with other more learned messianic believers. Or is it two days beginning at Sundown on the 13th and ends at Sundown on the 15th? It may either be Jewish or Christian and be led by either a Rabbi or Pastor, but Messianic is the key word. I kept a diary of my learnings, so I could continue with it the next year. Not necessarily. May God bless you in your pursuit of his truths. I am hoping to get a quick reply to that, due to the fact that the feast’s are soon. Thursday. Would you be able to share for our readers how widespread the Messianic faith is in the Philippines? For all men and women of all nationalities and countries, even for those who would be considered our enemies or Israel’s enemies, Christ is the answer. Jesus went before God and was accepted by God as our wave sheaf offering. More questions, maybe privately though. For the sake of unity, the congregation I attend has agreed to follow the Messianic Calendar put out by Lion and Lamb Ministries. 3 talking about this. Our Messiah will return one day and figure all this out for us. The Feasts of YeHoVaH 2021 is a series of Teachings that prepare the believers to fully understand why we celebrate the Feasts of YeHoVaH that occur early in the Biblical Year.. By celebrating it you can use the opportunity to pray to YHWH to set a sinner free from satanic slavery of any kind through King Yahushua . Rom. Next question: most sites for ALL upcoming yearly Feast’s mention ( Log Out /  Feast of Unleavened Bread: Sun day, March 28 - Saturday, April 3. Amen and Amen! In His Hands always…. That might be an easy way for your group to learn about them together without going to a lot of extra work. He is ‘The VINE and you are His BRANCH’ and as you ABIDE in YESHUA The Spirit was poured out on Shavuot, or Pentecost. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. Regina, yours is a good question, debated by Christians and Jews. Last Great Day ( Shemini Atzeret שְׁמִינִי עֲצֶרֶת) Sep 30, 2021. This is my first time visiting. one day earlier than your site did. Leaven or yeast in the Bible symbolized sin and evil. That’s what makes Jesus so much more God than any other declared so. The name Yeshua (the Hebrew name given to God’s son) means “God saves.” Here is a good history of how the name Jesus evolved from Yeshua (or Yehoshua). His short life was meant for our benefit and many things about Him, His culture, His true language and interpretations with the true meanings, His actions, and ways He worshipped His Heavenly Father, His everything basically, most of which is never talked about in main stream Christian churches. May God continue to bless you. My goal is to meet them where they are and bring them along, not correct them on every point. Also, I feel that The Rapture is going to occur in the near future. Mon, 15/03/2021. Remember Yeshua’s words during Passover, “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) Accordingly, each of these Feasts begins and ends at sundown. Thank you for your input, Richard. Karen, you are right – when someone calls our Messiah Jesus, I also call him Jesus when I’m talking to them. You are right, Mr. Charles, Nisan is the first month of the Hebrew calendar (Exodus 12). It has not. My prayer is that I can educate as many people as possible regarding CHRIST’S message and return. In this document, 2015 Appointed Times at a Glance, I note the basic instructions for each Feast (see page 2 for the Fall Feasts). Remember, the point of the feasts is to observe the days as holy, as Jehovah does. Sheila. According to the Bible only the first day of the week of the Tabernacle and the Eighth Day is a Sabbath day, on which we do not work, but we are meant to sleep in our made up tabernacle throughout the whole week and bring meal offerings. The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukote) ………………………………………Friday, October 22, 2021 • 15 Aetanim—Sukote (The Feast of Tabernacles) begins on the 15th day of the 7th Hebrew month (Lev. Both are Messianic Jews themselves. Thanks again to the site and the post, but most of all, THE EVERLASTING FATHER. Think about what you would do if you were on your own for your first time, commit to doing it, announce what you’re doing and invite anyone who wants to participate to join you. 23:42 says we are to “live” in them, so do what you can reasonably do, sleeping or waking, it’s all “living.” But, yes, offerings and a tabernacle are both instructed. Bookmark the permalink . Good question! Castee. A biblical new moon begins on the first day of each Hebrew month. He was the crucified lamb on Passover, put into the ground at unleavened bread, and resurrected on the day of First Fruits. Pls ar we not suppose to say or shout happy new year to our frnds as d bible said dis is d begining of our monts? There are varying schools of thought on both YHVH’s and Yeshua’s names. I don’t know if I will find it again. Thank you, administrator, for what you posted to Judy. Biblical Feasts and Celebrations 2021(5781) Additional Information. Thank God for His grace and mercy and the power of the blood that conquers all sin and death. Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel, Perhaps one of the most fascinating Biblical studies is the historic and prophetic significance of the special Feast days of the Lord. Leviticus 23:6 puts the second feast on the next night: "On the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread unto the Lord; seven days ye must eat unleavened bread." The Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar The Biblical Hebrew Calendar This one-of-a-kind calendar uses data from NASA and pinpoint-accurate biblical history to calculate time the way Yeshua did — according to YeHoVaH’s original reckoning of time… not a man-made system! Yes, In Acts 1 it records Yashua telling them to go to Jerusalem and wait, but he didn’t specify 50 days or 7 Sabbaths. The annual Sabbath Pentecost also referred to as the Feast of Firstfruits or the Feast of Weeks is the “first” harvesting of souls. Karen, this organization sells prayer shawls, and is a reputable non-profit educating Messianic Jewish Leaders in third world countries: I recommend their products and materials. Thank you for being led to write that and not only did you comfort Judy in her sufferings but you instilled the hopeful truth of what is to come. We should love one another in this way. He said, “Take my burden upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. let me first say I found this by going to Nehemiah Gordon who I have great respect for in accuracy of feast days and Hebrew understanding. You can find them all online. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. First Fruits is based on a day of the week and Passover is based on the date and moves from day to day on the calendar each year. He is coming back very soon. I needed to hear those exact words you gave her. Just was searching for the dates of the Passover and Feast of unleaven; and i am a little confused; you answer your responses with the name of Jesus; knowing full well that is not is name Yahshua; Yahweh is his father; is there a reason for this?? In Yahshuas name. Seven days into the new month was the Sabbath. But just as important the Name of our Messiah Whose very Name means our Salvation is None other than Yahu.shua! This was an annual Sabbath, not a weekly sabbath. The first day is the 6th annual or yearly Sabbath. Passover: March 27-28, 2021; Feast of Unleavened Breads: March 28 – April 4, 2021; Feast of First Fruits: April 3-4, 2021; Counting the Omer: April 4 – May 22, 2021; Feast of Weeks/Pentecost: May 22-23, 2021 i am a messianic believer since yr 2000 i now in bukidnon philippines……shabbat shalom. You do not mention where these dates and times are calculated for. Christmas and Easter are not God-ordained holy days; they are syncretism brought in by the Catholic Church when they blended paganism with Christianity. Looking for information on the Feast of the Trumpets ~ it begins at Sundown on the 13th and goes until Sundown on the 14th? Luke 24:1 tells us, “On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.” The first day of the week on the Hebrew calendar is the same as the Gregorian calendar – a Sunday. Practicing the feasts is a wonderful way to learn more about YHVH. The family name is YAH = I was, am and will be, in other words: The Eternal and Our Creators Name is Yahweh, his Son’s Name is consequently: Yashua or Yahushua which means: Yahweh is our (eternal) Salvation. I recommend following whichever one the leader you are submitted to instructs. I am preparing my house for the coming of the King, inwardly and outwardly. Part of the confusion related to the resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach is the blending of the Jewish calendar with our modern calendars. Jtdy, I want tn encourage you that you can be healed completely of the Multiple Myeloma by the blood of Yahshua Messiah. I have been studying The Feasts for a while now. 16. ago so far) and though I knew of my spiritual Jewish roots, the Gentile Christian church doesn’t enter into that study in much depth, because as we’re taught God doesn’t require us to honor Jewish tradition. BIBLICAL SPRING FEASTS and Appointed Times, The Hebrew New Year Begins on the evening of April 11th at sundown. Spend the Sabbath days with him even if you can’t spend it with other believers. If you are diligent in making the effort to do what you know, God will guide you and provide you revelation directly. Well said Stacey. 💞. If you recall in Galatians 3:28-29, there is no difference between Jew and Greek, etc. Jesus is my everything, but I have felt so burdened as of late with the idea of rituals and rites, being a gentile believe myself. 23:5). One difference, on the Hebrew calendar a day goes from sundown to sundown, so Sunday would’ve begun on what the Gregorian calendar refers to as Saturday night. That’s what makes Christianity, the “born-again” kind, the only Truth and that’s what makes spiritual re-birth the only means to attain Eternity in Heaven. Personally, I do not. Is the Feast of Pentecost 50 days after the Feast of Passover as you have mentioned, or is it 50 days after the Feast of Firstfruits?

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