Translations in context of "prêter attention" in French-English from Reverso Context: prêter une attention, prêter une attention particulière, prêter attention à, prêter davantage attention, prêter une plus grande attention {interjection} Faites attention! Traduzioni in contesto per "attentionné" in francese-italiano da Reverso Context: très attentionné Definition of Attention: Attention is defined as notice taken or someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important. Many translated example sentences containing "geste attentionné" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Many translated example sentences containing "geste attentionné" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. expand_more Pay careful attention to what the angels were crying to one another. take a particular care ; be very careful ; pay a particular attention, 'attentionné' also found in translations in English-French dictionary. This gentleman did me the kindness of paying for my beer. adj. As a politician, Peter is loyal, hardworking. French Donc, faites quand même attention quand vous avez l'intention de rassurer les marchés. I mean, in many ways, he's-he's grown up into a mature. aufpassen | passte auf, aufgepasst | to pay attention (to so./sth.) be careful, take care, watch out, 1. present ; nice present 2. kind gesture ; thoughtfulness ; show of appreciation. ***. Tanta atención por parte de los camareros me resulta abrumadora. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. 2. 'attention' also found in translations in English-French dictionary. à l’attention de for the attention of. Elapsed time: 114 ms. n. brunt of attention. (courtesy) a. kindness. (etwas umgangssprachlicher) lots of werden verwendet:• in positiven Aussagesätzen • in verneinten Sätzen • … Check out Attention song lyrics in English and listen to Attention song sung by Charlie Puth on Attention Lyrics- Get Attention Attention song Lyrics in English. attirer l’attention de … Example sentences with "to gather attention", translation memory . watch out! thoughtful of you. This abbreviation is usually found in office-wide memos, letters, addressed postage and in newspaper ads. Some individuals with ADHD also display difficulty regulating emotions or problems with executive function. UN-2. (= intérêt) attention. Gratuit. attention, attention, attentisme, attentiste, With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for attentionné and thousands of other words. If it isn't an important issue, it doesn't warrant the manager's attention. Fore, advertency, circumspectness, Caution, chariness, notice, Ten-hut, heedfulness, advertence, A-ten-hut, heed. Collaborative Dictionary     French-English. Este señor me hizo la atención de pagarme la cerveza. Forums pour discuter de malintentionné, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Exact: 1753. attention translate: attention [feminine], attention [feminine], assistance [feminine], attention, soins, attention…. You must pay attention to him. fais attention! (cortesía) a. attentiveness. Inglés. attention exclamation, noun [U] (WAY OF STANDING) (in the armed forces) an order to stand straight and not move, with your feet together, arms by your sides, and head facing to the front, or this way of standing: Each cadet stood at attention for inspection. en atención a out of consideration for. attention definition: 1. notice, thought, or interest: 2. to make someone notice you: 3. to watch, listen to, or think…. Faites attention à ce que vous souhaitez, Directeur. maximum d'attention. for the attention of [sb] adv. llamar la atención a alguien to tell somebody off. (auf jmdn./etw.) Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "with attention to" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. achtgeben or: Acht geben | gab acht, achtgegeben | to attract attention auffallen | fiel auf, aufgefallen | to attract attention die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich acc. Le personnel de ce resort était chaleureux, La villa était joliment aménagée, beaucoup d'intimité et un personnel charmant, chaleureux et. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. Mais faites attention à ce que les anges se criaient l’un à l’autre. (intended for [sb] to read) a la atención de loc adv. to gather attention in English translation and definition "to gather attention", Dictionary English-English online. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. noun. These combinations (for example collocations with “attention”) just sound “right” to native English speakers, who use them all the time.On the other hand, other combinations of “attention” may be unnatural and just sound “wrong”.. 'A lot of', 'lots of'A lot of bzw. Español. a new matter has come to our attention. Find another word for attention. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. ziehen to arrest attention Aufmerksamkeit erregen Learn more. His speech captured our attention. 1. to a problem or task. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. All rights reserved. WikiMatrix. Laisser sécher, ne pas prêter attention aux temps de liaison sur la bouteille. This is called a dependent preposition. As a politician, Peter is loyal, hardworking. There is often no reason why a verb takes a certain preposition. The villa was beautifully appointed, very private and had delightful, friendly. nos colmaron de atenciones they waited on us hand and foot. I mean, in many ways, he's-he's grown up into a mature. Particular attention must be focused on solidarity between Member States with a view to coordinating the large flows of asylum seekers in some countries, both through providing financial assistance and adopting internal resettlement and reallocation mechanisms allowing the refugees to be dispersed uniformly throughout the European Union. attention (n): notice, thought, or interestUse 'attention' in a sentence We must pay attention to environmental problems. The plural abbreviation of attention is attns.or atts.Note: that it would be a rare instance where the abbreviated, plural form of attention would be used. Grammar. See examples of Attention in English. English Translation of “attentionné” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. attention! Peter est un homme politique loyal, travaillant. You can complete the translation of attentionné given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse, French-English dictionary : translate French words into English with online dictionaries. Let's just say I pay attention. Her dress attracted everyone's attention at the party. 1 Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important. ; attention to, Französisch: en main propre Spanisch: a la atención… ***. Translation of "Attentionné" in English. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. n. 1 concentrated direction of the mind, esp. look out! take a particular care ; be very careful ; pay a particular attention. “Come see this picture, it reminds me of the party we were at.” • “You gotta see this”: This is another more native way of saying the same thing. attention noun ( plural: attentions) —. A collocation is two or more words that often go together. Attention is great interest that is shown in someone or something, particularly by the general public. In English, we often use a preposition with a verb. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "attention" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Pay attention not to lower the volume toward the end of a sentence. High quality example sentences with “sincere attention” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Suggestions: service attentionn é très attentionné. Volume Two, subtitled "The Lawyers," will also attract considerable attention. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. Context sentences for "Faites attention!" attentionné de ta/votre part. 4 usually pl an act of consideration, courtesy, or gallantry indicating affection or love. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. zu Händen von: …Typische Wortkombinationen: 1) zu Händen von Herrn X/Frau X Übersetzungen Englisch: 1) attn.‎, attention to‎, for the attention of‎, attention of‎…. to pay attention (to so./sth.) Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für attention im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! is not responsible for their content. in English. Find 48 ways to say ATTENTION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Il définit la communauté, dans laquelle le travail des concepteurs devraient y prêter attention. a l'atenció de: …Deutsch: Zu Händen von Herrn Garcia Übersetzungen Deutsch: 1) z. H., z. poner o prestar atención to pay attention. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. to pay attention to one's appearance. I find all the attention from the waiting staff overhwelming. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. 26 synonyms of attention from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 55 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 2. Many translated example sentences containing "and in attention to" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Se dit d'un cadeau ou d'une marque de gentillesse.

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